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Ploiesti, ROMANIA

Writer's picture: Paul & Sue Williams Paul & Sue Williams

Paul & Sue Williams

We have been living fifteen months in the large city of Ploieşti and appreciate having space to work in, and storage facilities for literature (gospel and Bible teaching) and other items (gospel tents, chairs and loudspeakers) necessary for the work we are engaged in. With the Lord’s help we have been settling into life in a busy city. One of the advantages of living here is that we have cut down on travel and are nearer some of the areas we have been working in during the past thirteen years.

Consecutive Bible Teaching We continue to be heavily involved every Saturday with intensive Bible studies in different regions of Romania. There is tremendous potential in the county of Suceava and we have received invitations for series of ministry meetings. During the autumn and winter months we will concentrate on the county of Prahova and invitations have been received for regular Bible teaching meetings which we have accepted in eleven assemblies. We believe that Bible teaching is long- term and our desire is that many believers will be strengthened and edified spiritually through the careful and systematic teaching of the Word of God. As the work of the gospel continues and the challenges to Christian living seem to increase daily, we not only thank God for those who are saved, but rejoice when we see believers “walking in the truth.” Your prayers are greatly appreciated for this most important work. Also, we would value prayer for safety on busy roads, especially during winter.

Literature Work – With the completion of supervising the revision of the William MacDonald commentary on the New Testament, 2,500 copies will be printed. Other books include, “Tell me more about the Gospel” and, “Tell me more about the Lord Jesus,” both by brother Robert Cargill.

Gospel Tent Ministry This summer we have used six tents for gospel work in Romania. The believers have really been captured by gospel tent meetings for children, young people and adults. Assembly evangelists and workers have worked very hard with tent meetings during a long summer, until mid October and prayer is especially needed for meetings in three different locations in the city of Craiova. A weekly children’s work has begun as a direct result of tent meetings in a number of villages and towns where they were held. The sovereign Lord worked in His own unique way in the salvation of at least 110 people, the eldest a ninety-year-old man saved last Lord’s day. Over 14,000 children plus 1,100 parents attended the children’s meetings in the tents and over 20,000 people [believers and unbelievers] attended the evening gospel meetings. Visiting at least ninety villages and towns with the great message of the gospel was a great responsibility and a real joy. Literature and tracts were distributed, including John 3:16 “Seed Sowers” texts.

Memorable tent meetings were held in Valea Doftanei (seven ladies were saved, a great boost for the small assembly thirty-three kms. north of the town of Campina); Pietrisu (on the Romanian/ Bulgarian border, near the river Danube) where five people were saved and one-hundred-and-fifty unbelievers listened to the gospel on the Saturday; Falticeni (northern County of Suceava) where fifteen people professed salvation; Tinosu (five saved, a real encouragement to the small assembly); and Moara Noua where one-hundred-and-eighty children came to the tent and eight adults were saved. The summer of 2011 will long be remembered as a significant turning point in assembly gospel work. However, the aim of gospel work is not only to see people saved by God’s grace, but also baptized and received into assembly fellowship. Some people who were saved at gospel tent meetings last summer have been baptized and received into fellowship in different local assemblies. Truly, “To God be the glory great things He has done.”

Please pray for the continued expansion and development of the gospel tent ministry. God willing, we are praying that the Lord will provide another three tents. We hope to supply a gospel tent in the neighbouring country of the Republic of Moldova where there are twelve small and fairly weak assemblies, but the potential for gospel work and the planting of new assemblies is enormous. We made two short journeys to the Republic of Moldova to visit a few assemblies and assess the situation.

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