TS Ashley Milne
Supporting Logos School, Limassol, Cyprus

In early October my wife Jean and I had the opportunity to spend a day at the Logos School during a port of call to that part of the world. We met many of the staff, who also attend the local assembly in Limassol, which meets in the school premises, and are active in the work of the assembly. After meeting Gary Love (Principal) & Colin Clarke (Chairman), we were given a tour of the school. It was so good to meet children and young people from many parts of the world, including Russia, Iran and many other countries, getting an opportunity to hear the Gospel. We had a lovely visit with Graham and Caroline Webb, Steve and Brenda Flett, Julie Richards and other staff members. Our visit coincided with a meeting of the trustees of the Logos School who had flown in from N. Ireland to see what can be done to meet the new regulations required by the Cyprus government. This will involve a relocation of the school.
Your prayers for them would be much valued at this critical time. T.S.A.M. - Editor

Graham and Caroline Webb in classroom
In the goodness of the Lord, the Logos School has commenced its 39th year in His service. He has entrusted to us 300 boys and girls to educate and to win for Him. The teachers are very conscious that most of the new students may not have heard the Gospel before. Some tell us that they have never even known a Christian personally before coming to the school! What a privilege and responsibility has been afforded to us.
The school year has started well and staff morale is high. We have been joined by three new members of staff, all from Northern Ireland: Ruth Marshall who is teaching Grade 4, Lorna Khatchadourian, who is teaching Grade 5 and Emma Linden, who taught in the school a number of years ago, and has returned to teach P.E. Remember them in prayer as they face the challenges of a new school and a new culture.
The Logos children come from many different backgrounds. This year it was no surprise to find that a number of Egyptian families had moved to Cyprus, escaping the chaos that has overtaken their own country. They inform us that the situation there is now much worse than before the revolution.
It would seem that the government of Cyprus is becoming more strict on those seeking asylum from the Middle East and Africa. This has caused problems for some of our students who now have to return to their country of origin, especially those who have been saved and are having to return to Muslim countries. We were very sad to lose a family with three lovely children; they were held in prison by the immigration authorities and then sent back to Syria, a land torn by strife. Other families have received letters from the immigration authorities telling them they have seventy-five days in which to leave Cyprus. One of the girls from Iran will probably have to go back because her family is returning to their home country; she is determined to take a stand for Christ. It makes us more aware of the privilege we have, living in a country where we are still free to read God’s word and proclaim it. In September we met with the mayor of Limassol and his senior engineer. Representing the Logos School were Gary Love, John Ross and Colin Clarke, accompanied by the school accountant, who, being a local Cypriot, is of great assistance in our contacts with officialdom.

The Limassol, assembly meets in the school premises
We presented our case. We had hoped that, in light of our endeavours to find a new site, the mayor might have dropped his injunctions against the school. However, he was unable to grant this request as a number of schools, colleges, and other public buildings also failed to meet various by-laws and he cannot be seen to be partial. He does not want to close the school but it MUST move to a new site. On the basis of firm evidence that we are seeking to comply, the mayor will allow us time to build a new school on a new site. He and his senior engineer were most helpful, giving guidance how to proceed and the right persons to contact. Although the meeting did not result in us achieving our initial aim, it was certainly very worthwhile.
On Thursday, 28th September, the case against the school was heard at Limassol Court. The judge decided to adjourn the case until 2nd December. In the meantime the mayor and ourselves must try to come to an acceptable agreement.
Now for more encouraging news on the spiritual front! On 17th September, Steve Flett, our R.E. teacher, received a text message from one of last year’s graduates, who wished to meet with him in the school at 6:00 p.m. Three former students also came, one who had professed salvation during his last year at school, and another one who was under conviction of sin. This young man was seeking, but in spite of some discussion with Steve and Gary, was unable to take the simple step of faith. However, we were encouraged to see him, and his Christian friend, at the Gospel Meeting on Sunday evening.
On the same Saturday, Graham Webb, a member of our teaching staff, had arranged a meeting with Michael, another student who had been in Logos nine years ago. He lived in the boarding house where Ken and Sandy McDowell took care of him as their own son; his own family faced many problems. During that year, Graham gave Michael a Bible but the two did not keep in contact after Michael left the school. Last year, Graham received a message from Michael explaining that he had trusted the Lord when he was thirteen. Although he had wandered away from the Lord, he was now fully committed and seeking to serve Him.
He said his Bible was his most treasured possession, and many of the pages were marked with his notes. Michael has moved back to Cyprus from England and is living in Nicosia and trying to help his mother and 15-year-old brother. This young man is a testimony to the power of God and His saving grace. Please pray for him.
Graham and his wife Caroline are seeking to contact young Christians who were saved while at Logos School and are now working or studying at university in Cyprus. Most of them do not attend any place of worship and some have not been doing well spiritually, since they have very little fellowship and no encouragement from their families. They gather for a meal and a time of fellowship together. Pray that they will be strengthened and encouraged in their walk with the Lord.
Please give thanks with us to the Lord for blessing us with so many students this year and continue to pray that we may see fruit in salvation. We have a God whose timing is always perfect and whilst we are actively looking for land to build a new school, please pray that we might be sensitive to His leading and patient as we wait on Him.

Julie Richards & Jean Milne at Limassol, Cyprus
The eyes of faith when fixed on Christ
Give hope for whatʼs ahead, But focus on lifeʼs obstacles And faith gives way to dread.