Mark & Brenda Bachert
Gospel Tent Meetings We returned to the northern part of the country with the tent. Eric and Tania both professed a year ago in the Jalapa tent effort. It is great to return a year later and see them going on for the Lord - they have asked for baptism. New Christians have a unique ability to bring others. Kyle and I were humbled with upwards of eighty unsaved listening several nights. The Lord gave help in the preaching and we look forward to returning to see the real results. James Nicholson, Austin Joyce and Marcel Jonkman were a big help, especially in the Ocotal series. It is a very hard city, with strong political and religious views. The tent was located in a green space on the edge of the city. We were encouraged by the attendance and believe that God saved some. Pray for Nahum who was invited to meetings by Eric and attended nightly. Update on Darwin
Young Lives and So Much Hope! Again this year, in July, many of the saved young people, over the age of fourteen, from the Nicaraguan assemblies, were at our home for three days of sound Bible teaching, communion, and great food! There was a group of sixty-five this year and we were thankful for those from North America who came down with the purpose of helping. Marcus Cain (Mexico) was kind enough to travel and be with us for a week. He gave excellent teaching on 2nd Timothy. The Lord continues to show us the importance of investing in young lives.
Next week we are relocating to Managua. Matthew will be starting school and we have rented a house in the city centre, an area that the Lord has laid on our hearts for future gospel work. Within a one- kilometer radius there are four major universities. Several young people from the assemblies attend these educational centres. We desire to be available for them and long to reach others who are at a pivotal age in life. We have our lives open before the Lord, with many unanswered questions concerning the future. As we wait on our God, we look for Him to strengthen and prosper His work in El Valle.