First day of conference.
The secondary school ministry is still a challenge and very rewarding in spiritual terms. From November, 2010 until three weeks ago, we had sold 556 Bibles amongst students, where I have the privilege to speak on a weekly basis. Prayer is valued for this ministry. The school chaplain had gathered all the A-level students and he was the speaker. He called me in to share in the question and answer session and then invited me to give the final message. There were some 400 students present. My text was 1st Tim 4.13. By the end of the week I had spoken to 1,000 students. It was extraordinary.
Another day I pulled into a garage for some fuel but there was also another reason. A man whom I know is a believer in Christ, had asked me for a Bible for his wife. When I gave it to him he jumped in the air with joy. Other people thought he had lost his head. He did calm down and was grateful to have a Bible to give to her. He was singing praises unto the Lord for this gift.
The Bethel assembly in Moshi had a recent baptism one Saturday afternoon and a good number came.

Five of the evangelists.
There were eight baptisms, from two preaching points that have no baptism facilities. One brother was a 94-year-old Maasai man. It was a special moment of praise as we witnessed the old brother approach the tank with only a little assistance, a truly wonderful day for witness for the Lord. We give thanks to the Lord for His blessings in our outreach into various regions with the Gospel and especially in the Tabora region where, on this last trip, we travelled 1,853 kms., with evangelist Ombeni. There we shared in the wedding of a young couple. Ombeni did the legal part and I gave the message. Altogether there were 643 people present. The best man fainted because of the extreme heat.

End of conference - Ron Cunningham on left.
Then we visited two new assemblies, one at Uyowa, where there are now thirty-two baptized believers amongst the Wasukuma people, who are the largest tribe in the country. The evangelist George from the Ulyankulu assembly encouraged three young men to take the gospel to outlying districts. This was no easy task as they had some sixty kms. to cover, which they did regularly, preaching the Gospel. The people in this area were spirit worshippers. Those who got saved brought all their idols and burnt them outside
the little house where they now meet. Our presence there was to come and share with this new assembly in the commendation of brother Elkana and his wife to the work of the Lord. This work started in 2008, and they are now preparing to build their new hall.
Their one request was for help to build the roof which is a very expensive part of the construction. No assembly can build a roof on their new building, as it is so expensive. It was worth every effort to reach them.
Another assembly was established at Busondi. This work started in 2006, and now has fifty-three believers in fellowship. I had taken ill on the day we were to visit them so remained at camp. Brother Ombeni took the car and went with a few believers, including the local evangelist, George. They are also building their assembly hall and needing help to build the roof. While it was difficult in places, there was much to praise the Lord for what we saw.
On our way home to Moshi, about 540 kms. from Tabora, we called at another assembly at Endesh, just inside the Manyara region, and spent the day with the believers at their conference. It was a wonderful experience and time to share the Word of God. Then there was a surprise at the end. Both Ombeni and I were given honoured titles by this tribe for not passing them by in the spread of the Gospel. This humbled us very much and we spent time with Bonaventura, the local evangelist. They want us to come again and bring Maria, as the women folk want to give her a place of honour for doing so much for the women folk through the years. We left and headed for Manyara and Katesh where there is another assembly, which is the largest, with over one-hundred baptized believers. The evangelist is Emmanuel. Both he and evangelist Bonaventura work very closely together in their region so there is much to be done. The only complaint is that we are growing too old too quickly.
Please continue to pray for us and the Lord’s work, and that He will call others to come and serve Him.
Don’t forget to correspond with
missionaries at this time of the year.
They will enjoy hearing from you!