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Kowloon, Hong Kong

Silas & Sarah So

Silas & Sarah So P.O. Box 78604, Momgkok P.O. Kowloon, Hong Kong

Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (He is Lord of all)

In 2012 and 2013, the Lord Jesus gave us great strength to do His work. We are now experiencing a very hot and humid summer here.

Over the last year the Lord enabled us to visit and preach the Word of God at some assemblies here in Hong Kong and in China.

In Hong Kong, we had opportunity, four to five times a month, to preach the word of life to many in our gospel hall and in the streets. A man came to our open air gospel station and took some gospel tracts. He came back later with his wife to hear the gospel. A month later they both professed that they were sinners saved by the work of the Lord Jesus and said that they believed that the Lord Jesus is the Son of God. What a joy this was for us and those who labour with us. The Lord Jesus is worthy of the time and labour we spend in His work.

On July 21st the Lord granted us a joyful time at the baptism of Pauline Au, Yvonne Lam and Crystal Leung. In the presence of many friends and relatives, they professed that they each have trusted the Lord Jesus, confessed that they were sinners saved by grace, and that they believed Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The Tsuen Wan Gospel Hall was packed full of people. The gospel was faithfully preached and a good witness was given of God's saving power. Sister Yvonne is the fruit of gospel tracts distributed on the street. Sister Pauline is the sister of my wife, Sarah. She has heard the gospel for a long time but was saved when she had a close brush with death recently. Sister Crystal was brought to hear the gospel by a brother. We do thank the Lord for His wonderful grace towards them.

We are continuing to produce new gospel tracts and have also been translating some books of practical ministry into Chinese, to supply the need for those here and in the mainland. The literature produced has been very well received. Many of the brethren have found it to be helpful in gospel work and spiritual edification.

We were very thankful that our brother, Dr. Jeremy from Singapore, was able to visit us here. He went with us to visit the assembly in Shenzhen where we had a very profitable time in the Bible reading, on Psalm 24. Many of the saints were very encouraged to hear that one day the Lord Jesus Christ will be the glorious King, ruling the earth.

We value your prayers for us here. May God's grace and mercy be with you always until our Lord Jesus comes back for His saints. Then we will be with Him forever.

Summer 2013

Written by Silas & Sarah So - Hong Kong

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