Margie Gould
Elections took place on September 20th. How good it is to trust all of our future to the One who never changes. We do pray that peace will prevail and that the newly elected government will continue to allow the Gospel to be preached unhindered. Zambia has been so blessed with peace, while many other countries around us remain in unrest and turmoil. We are so thankful to the Lord for blessing this land.
We had our Senior girls' camp in August and it was a joy to see so many young women listening attentively to the Word so faithfully presented. They have many pressures in their lives to conform. We are thankful for the ones who have taken Christ as their Lord and Saviour and ask for prayer that they will maintain a good testimony.
The last two weeks of August were spent in villages to the west. We visited six assemblies and there was an obvious need for more teaching and help. Some assemblies are in remote places and difficult to reach and others are cut off during the rainy season. There is a dangerous tendency to adopt many strange doctrines, as most of the people are unable to read and comprehend, making it difficult to discern between what is taught in the Bible and what has been twisted and contorted to suit men's purposes.
Lord willing, I will be going to Dipalata this month, while Betty Magennis (N.I.) is on furlough. The medical work there is not as intensive as at Katombi, but there is a lot more maternity work. Our weather suddenly turned very hot towards the end of August and, near the rivers, mosquitoes are already prolific. I have seen a few severe malaria cases which is not a good sign so early in the season.
We were at Kamusivi for all-day ministry meetings. Prayer is greatly appreciated for these small assemblies and for the outreach work as well. Satan is doing his best to dishearten and discourage.
In between outreach trips and medical work, I am trying to get all the parcels sorted and distributed to those in need, before I go to Dipalata. An elderly man came to say his house had burnt down. I had visited him a few weeks ago and the hut was not even fit for an animal to sleep in. He needs to have proper shelter to withstand the soon-coming heavy rains and winds. He does have relatives but they seem very uninterested in assisting him. I have started going to another village about fifteen kms. from Katombi, to have a Bible study with the women in the assembly and to teach them some hand sewing. We are going through an Emmaus course. As I will be away for quite a few weeks, it is good for them to have something to follow consecutively.