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Harry & Beth Wilson

Brazil, South America

Harry & Beth Wilson

We arrived back after ten weeks in N. Ireland for the wedding of our son, Samuel, and our daughter, Deborah, and were glad to be with them on these happy occasions. It was good to meet again with the Lord's people and be able to take in the bible readings in Larne, in August.

We are very thankful to God for the health and strength given to enable us to be back again in the work. Porto Alegre has a population of almost one-and-a-half million and before we left for N. Ireland, Crawford Brown and I had five weeks of gospel meetings in the gospel hall. Ten thousand tracts and invitations went into the homes, but there is great indifference. Some unsaved attended nightly and we trust we shall be guided of the Lord concerning future meetings and look to God for the increase.

A conference is to be held in Santa Cruz do Sul on October 12th and another in Osorio on November 2nd. Being public holidays, the believers enjoy and profit from times of fellowship around the good word of God.

Lindsay Carswell and Crawford Brown are in the third week of a series of gospel meetings in Alvorada. Gregg Buchannan and Roberto Ploia are also engaged in a series of gospel meetings in Tres Passos, which is further away. Pray for the work, and workers and their families in this vast, needy field.

Summer 2013

Written by Harry & Beth Wilson - Brazil


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