The Lord has greatly blessed this field with new workers and new assemblies and for this we are sincerely thankful. Please know that when one is sent into the field, the knowledge of your prayers is a great comfort.

Jonathan and Hannah Seed
There have been major changes to the work here as our nine-month long gospel series ended in October. We hold two gospel meetings during the week in Valle Dorado, in addition to the assembly meeting in the centre of the city. There has been a shift in focus as well. The number of new believers has caused us to invest heavily in teaching.
This week we have our brother Marcus Cain with us. He has been expounding the latter half of the book of Genesis and teaching many practical lessons from the life of Joseph. It is said that one could find upwards of one-hundred-and-thirty similarities between the life of Joseph and the life of our Lord Jesus. It certainly is a humbling experience to search the scriptures, namely the Old Testament, and find types and shadows of Christ.
This coming week we plan to take twenty-five believers from the area to a conference in Tepic, Nayarit. This involves a long ten-hour drive through mountains and valleys. The distance between the Mexican assemblies may be long, but we value and treasure the fact that the Lord is working in all corners of this vast republic.
This coming January we would ask for your specific prayers regarding a series of meetings here in the city. Brother Duncan Beckett and myself will be taking part in at least three weeks of gospel meetings in a new area. Depending on availability, we may be holding the meetings in a tent, so please keep this effort in your prayers as well.