As for our activities, in July, we were privileged to be part of a Seed Sower distribution of 76,000 texts and invites in Denver, Colorado. I had two weeks of Spanish gospel meetings at that time in the basement of the Denver Gospel Hall, and Marvin Derkson had two weeks in English upstairs. Unfortunately, the response from the community was very small. We did have a meeting every night with a few in. I have been back for one visit since and the one family who has come out for a year are the only ones who attend. All last year, I was able to fly up and back for around $50.00. Flights are now 4-5 times higher, so it has become difficult for me to visit every two weeks as I did for a year. Thankfully, Cal and Becky Erickson, a retired couple from Lacrosse, Wisconsin, have moved there and a young couple who is to be married in June of next year is to move to Denver for his work. The young brother, Tim Harvey (Dan Harvey's son) is bilingual and exercised in the gospel. We hope the Lord will continue to work both in English and Spanish and that the assembly will be built up and a work will be done among the Hispanics as well. We keep the work in prayer and will try and visit as often as we are able.
In August, I enjoyed a brief trip to Singapore for a short series of gospel meetings. Singapore is the most expensive city in the world, so everyone works long hours. Thankfully, though, the believers in the assembly worked hard, and we had over 50 unsaved attend in 8 gospel meetings, and a number returned more than once. Many come from families where they practice ancestor worship, so it was a challenge and a thrilling opportunity to speak to them about Christ. Because everyone would come directly from work or school, we enjoyed a meal with the visitors after each meeting which provided great opportunities for questions and discussions. Thankfully, some of the contacts continue to attend, and we pray that even yet they will be saved.
Here at home, we have been richly blessed by the Lord with five baptisms this year and quite a number of believers entering the fellowship of the Spanish West Phoenix assembly. Lord willing, another young sister will be received this Sunday. On Saturdays, we have a class or Bible Study in English with around 40 believers, mostly younger folks. We want our young people to learn something of the Scriptures in both languages which we hope will help them in the long run. Currently, we are working through a series on the 10 Commandments. Often the young people will bring fellow students, so this allows for us to consider the gospel, moral issues, and spiritual challenges for believers as well.
Lord willing, I hope to continue trying to visit at least one Spanish work or assembly in Mexico or elsewhere every month. Two weeks ago, I attended the Chihuahua, Mexico conference which was very encouraging. The assembly there has grown, and yet some of the originals that were saved back in 2004 continue faithfully. It is always great to see children walking in truth. Believers from eight assemblies attended and local unsaved as well.
Lord willing, Michelle and I will be taking a couple of weeks away this month as the Lord has opened up the way for us to join some other couples led by Kevin Procopio on a trip to Israel. We are praying for a safe trip as we look forward to seeing many places mentioned in the Scriptures and participating at the Breaking Bread in the assembly in Nazareth. We will also be taking in some places (e.g., Yad Vashem) to appreciate some of the more modern histories as well. Some have told us that it will be an unforgettable experience; others have told me that it will likely ruin many of my sermons once I see the real geography J.
In November, I plan to visit the Spanish assembly in West Moreland, California, the Spanish work in North Philly after the Hatboro/Bryn Mawr Conference and, in December, the assembly in Guadalajara, Mexico where Johnny and Hannah Seed are. In between, I hope to finish some publishing projects including an update with some additional chapters for the book, "Choices", a new book on forgiveness called "Pardon Me!" and some magazine articles. We also are publishing Spanish calendars for 2018, eight new Spanish tract titles and we have to purchase more Bibles and books for the bookstore that we take to conferences in Mexico. This is a great encouragement to us as we have seen a significant increase in believers purchasing Bibles, Commentaries, and literature that we hope will result in greater exercise in evangelism and edification of believers, families, and assemblies.
One additional item that is much on our minds is the engagement of our oldest son Nathan to Cristy Thomas of Crapaud, PEI, Canada. We are very thankful that the Lord has brought them together. Due to Nathan's limited time off in his final year of medical school and his transition into a three-year residency program in a hospital, they have scheduled their wedding for December 29th. So, there is lots of planning going on as we look forward to this special day. Cristy is an excellent young sister with great spiritual energy and exercise, and we look forward to welcoming her into our family.
Autumn 2017 Written by John and Michelle Dennison - USA