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Sakeji Mission School, Zambia

Mark & Pam Ronald

Most days, since school term ended December 1st, I've been busy overseeing workers each day as we get some necessary work done around the school, before the new school year begins in January. I was thankful for two daughters who can drive a front end loader and deliver cement around the site, while I am hauling gravel elsewhere. While this is not necessarily a typical scenario, for one reason and another, it does happen at times during our school break. We enjoyed a few days with the Simonyi-Gindele family visiting from Angola as well as a week with Joel and Kaleigh Griffin and their girls visiting us over Christmas. Mark and Joel shared the two meetings on Christmas day at our local assembly. We enjoyed the extra fun the little girls brought over Christmas. Just now we are down in Lusaka and are happy to welcome Troy Taylor who has come to help at the school for this term.

There were more than 125 guests who attended the end of term programme in December, entitled, O What A Glorious Night! The students did an awesome job in presenting the gospel. Please pray that the Word of God would continue to work in the lives and hearts of the students and those who listened to the presentation. It was great to have some ex-pupils return at this time. Four of Shoshanna's classmates were here and the group of them spent a lot of time reminiscing about their time at school and where life had taken them. (Picture below) It reminds us of the responsibility and privilege of impacting youth for Christ. Another prayer request would be for the six students leaving Sakeji and moving on to other schools. After 7-9 years at Sakeji, many bonds are formed, as students become like family members. Pray they would remain steadfast in the faith and continue in what they have learned, 2 Tim. 3:14.

Looking ahead, there are several new families who will be joining next year as we begin a new school year. Most of the classes are full and there were many more applications for places than we could offer places to. We continue to pray for an additional teacher, or two or three, as well as a mature Christian couple that would take on responsibility in the dorm. As a school, we are praying about further outreach into the local community as well, assisting in practical areas and most importantly, with God's Word. The Lord, in His timing, will continue to supply those of His choosing and equipping for His Work here and in the area. My God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

In the local area, there continue to be some who are keen to study God's Word and apply it in their lives, despite culture and peer pressure so much against them. While this is common the world over, it does seem to have a different edge here. Raymond is a young man who comes to mind. He has applied for post-secondary education, but has been disappointed with not being accepted to the program he wanted. There are many financial, educational, and tribal obstacles to overcome, as students from rural areas apply for these programs in the city. Pray that he would have peace and clarity about how the Lord is leading in his life.

We are thankful that the Lord has preserved our family through almost another year. The year has brought a lot of changes as Caleb remained behind in Saskatoon to further his studies. He seems to be doing well, adjusting and settling into routines, and involved in a local assembly. He has started a month of practical work experience in a lab for Saskatchewan Potash Corp. (now with a new name). We missed him over the Christmas season! He will finish his course in May and I'm sure would appreciate prayer as to the next step.

Shoshanna left for Chile, South America, today for three months. She was a bit nervous about the travel on her own but was looking forward to being in Chile - something she has wanted to do for a long time. She will spend most of her time with Aunt Margaret Jones (Ronald). She is looking forward to helping with various activities, learning some Spanish, and step by step seeing what the Lord's plan is for her next.

Just yesterday, we found out that the government has instructed all schools - primary, secondary, and tertiary, in the entire country to remain closed until January 30 or further notice, due to cholera in the country. This will have a lot of repercussions on many more people than just us at Sakeji School but it will definitely affect us. Naomi is happy enough not to be going back to school this weekend, as I'm sure many other students will be in the short term; but when it comes to exam times, shorter holidays through the rest of the year, and the extra work needed to fit in the required curriculum, they may not be so happy! So, in every area, please pray for us as we seek to live Christ. We are thankful for a God who is so much bigger than our needs - and Who gives us exactly what we need.

Winter 2017

Written by Mark & Pam Ronald - ZAMBIA


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