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Lutsk, Ukraine

Writer's picture: Timothy & Rhoda Sloan Timothy & Rhoda Sloan

LCPC Lutsk Christian Publication Centre continues to publish good assembly Christian literature. Over the last months we have translated, proofread, designed and printed 60,000 Gospel Tracts (3 titles), 1,000 The Persecutor, 10,000 Who we are and what we believe, 5,000 Safety Certainty and Enjoyment, 10,000 Invitations, 10,000 Red woven carrier bags, + Easter and summer camp brochures plus 37,000 calendars. The billboard we bought a number of years ago has proved to have been money well invested in the Lord's work. We change the billboard on a monthly basis from a Bible verse to advertising meetings to highlighting some aspect of the work we do in Lutsk.

UCC Ukraine Child Care continues daily with approx. 100 children attending the hall every day. We have 2 sessions, morning and afternoon, and in each session the children have 10 minutes singing, 10 minutes learning a verse, 20 minutes of a Bible story and 20 minutes for a hot meal.

For many this will be their only hot meal of the day. A number of assembly believers are involved in this work and we do deeply appreciate their input. Last year many of the children were able to say off by heart all of 1st Peter. This year they are learning Colossians. Vika, 14 comes to the hall every day and we visited Vika's home. After 15 years living in Ukraine this home touched our hearts.

We also help 37 special needs children who live in pitiful conditions. These families are provided with 2 food bags per month, clothing, diapers and medicines. We visited Anja (17) who lives in a very poor apartment with her grandmother and uncle who is bedridden as the result of a stroke. We were able to give Anja a new wheelchair.

We provided an 8 day summer camp for the children and we were delighted to have Ryan Coleman (Hatboro) and James Colledge (England). Brother Ryan spoke from 1 Peter and his teaching was helpful and appreciated. James Colledge was with us for the children's meetings held each afternoon in a local village and numbers were exceptionally high with 221 attending on the last afternoon. In 2018 we have James Colledge who will take the whole camp - speaking to the young people at the camp as well as the children's meetings in Ozeraw. You are welcome to attend and help, July 7th to 15th.

The assembly work continues daily in and around Lutsk. We keep our work local so that those we contact and meet with, if saved have the possibility of coming to the Gospel Hall. We concentrate in Lutsk and 4 neighbouring villages, Kadishche, Kolki, Ozero and Kivertsi. We have assembly believers in 3 of the villages and they open their homes yearly so that we can have children's meetings and Gospel meetings. In the last few months we know of one brother who has asked for baptism and another who has been restored and brought back into fellowship. Many in the assembly are poor and, through your kindness, Rhoda and I have been able to pay for a bypass operation for Tanya an elderly sister as well as Inna who is going into hospital tomorrow first for an ulcer problem followed by the removal of a malignant tumour and then a hysterectomy.

Winter 2017

Written by Timothy & Rhoda Sloan - UKRAINE

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