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Marcos & Sara Sequera

But the word of God grew and multiplied. Acts 12:24

We trust that these words we write will encourage the Lord's people to pray in favour of the work that the Lord is doing in these places.

Chiriqui has 13 districts, and we move between three of them: David, Dolega and Boquete. Three sisters, have already been baptized, who live in David and two of them have been received into fellowship. We have maintained a home study with them in order that they might learn more about the doctrine of the Lord. In Boquete where we live is another family of new believers, which recently have been received into the assembly. They show much astonishment when they hear the biblical teachings as to salvation and the functioning of the Assembly, as they had attended several denominations, where they had not even heard of their need to be saved all the years they were there. The rest of the Christians and those who attend the meetings live in Dolega, where there is an Assembly.

We also devote some time with them to read and study some key passages of the Word of God. So our activities in the Gospel and teaching are closely linked to the Assembly in Dolega. We also continue activities with children in the Sunday school, and every Friday afternoon in a small village close to the hall.

We are very encouraged by the activity with the youth on Friday evenings. The number has grown considerably, mostly unsaved boys from homes where none of their parents professes faith in the Lord either.

Once a month we go out to distribute literature, texts, brochures, New Testaments, etc., in different sectors of the province. Right now we are involved in the project of the construction of a new hall for the assembly. Thanks to the Lord, it is moving well.

During March, April and May we had a series preaching the Gospel. A brother from Venezuela helped us for one month, then David and Penelope Alves, from City of the Carmen, Mexico, helped us for 3 more weeks. There was some fruit in salvation and encouragement amongst the Lord's people. As a result of these activities, we have now commenced a weekly meeting in a village on the outskirts of Dolega, preaching the Gospel in a small rented house.

Our children are well, attending a school near our house. We had a good experience recently, when our eldest Juan Marcos and Paul the youngest professed faith in Christ. Barnabas who is nine years old has not yet professed. We appreciate your prayers that he too might accept Christ.

Byrne and Lois Foreshew continue working in the province of Panama. The Assembly in Valle Hermoso is their field of work and service. From there they help also in many other activities that occupy much of their time in the service of the Lord.

Summer 2015

Written by Marcos & Sara Sequera - Panama


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