As we consider what John the Apostle wrote to the Christians centuries ago, 1 John 4:3, 4 we realize that it is just as much relevant today as it was then. We think of the spirit of antichrist when seeing our brothers and sisters in the Muslim world being displaced from their homes, tortured and killed because of their faith in the living Saviour. The radicalization of Islam has been felt also in Albania and in recent months the government has stopped many who were trying to go to Syria to fight Islamic jihad under the ISIS flag. Despite all that we are able to rest in the Scriptural promise - the One who is in us is greater than he that is in the world.
Assembly and outreach: - The believers are taking more responsibility in the assembly. We have regular meetings with the men to plan and organize various activities and some of them now share the responsibility of our Thursday night Bible study. In February, we had a special outreach activity again for unsaved couples that we know, in order to build upon the relationships already made with them and to present the Gospel. It is interesting to see that several of them will only come to this type of setting and not to our regular Gospel meeting. In March, we were able to publish a new book containing the testimony of a Hindu guru who trusted Christ. He had practised Hinduism and yoga from his childhood, but following contact with Christians in his village, he was introduced to the glorious Gospel and freedom that comes with salvation. Living in such times when New Age philosophy has become popular with its ideas of self -motivation, yoga and identification with Mother Nature, we felt that such a publication was necessary for the Albanian reader. Here most people don't realize that the roots of these ideas are steeped in Hinduism and ultimately in demonic powers.
We also had a group of Christians from Germany and Austria with us in March helping with the distribution of literature and engaging with people in street evangelism. The reception was generally good and the literature was well accepted. Many copies of the book were also given to those interested. As always, Easter is a great opportunity to witness to those around us of the deep meaning of the vicarious death and the victorious resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The believers invited their friends and other contacts along. As both the Catholic and Greek Orthodox Easters are celebrated here we held a special event on both Sundays. Another couple has recently joined us. They have moved to Tirana from the north of Albania and it is good to have them. They have two boys who are approaching their teenage years and our boys have befriended them quickly. People that move to Tirana need extra time invested in helping them, with practical issues as they settle into a new environment and a new spiritual home.
We are very encouraged with the progress of a 29- year-old-lady in her understanding of the Bible. Sylvia and I meet with her on Saturday mornings before the children's meeting to study the Bible and follow up on her queries as she goes through the Emmaus courses. She likes to identify with the believers, but as yet has not made a clear step of faith. Continue to pray for her as we feel she is close to the Kingdom.
Prison ministry: - Visits to prison are always refreshing and often when the men are on day release they call to meet for coffee or just to say hello which is always appreciated. There are new contacts interested in the Gospel. We are having regular meetings in one wing and the inmates enjoy even the singing before the Gospel message.
Bible exhibition: - We have had two further showings of the exhibition since last November. One assembly had requested it for 10 days and we were encouraged to see so many young people interested and having questions on what they saw. The second venue was a small town in the south of Albania for a week. There the local authorities visited the displays and stands and even invited the local school to visit it! The schools in Albania are very secular and by law we cannot invite them to visit the exhibition.
Children's Home: - More children have joined this year and the house is again at full capacity, almost all of them under 6 years old. The law and regulations have also changed somewhat which has directly affected life in the house as we try to comply with new guidelines. After 20 years of service in Gjirokaster, the local Council awarded the home an honorary title. We were able to share with over 100 in attendance how the home has provided love, protection and identity for these children over the years and how we too can find them in Christ.
Various Family Matters: - We have just returned from the first evangelistic weekend organized by one of Sylvia's colleagues and some of our youth, for nursing students. It was held at a hotel in Durres with 80-85 present, most unsaved with their first exposure to a clear presentation of the Gospel. We have heard of one professing Christ and others who have been deeply troubled by the Holy Spirit. Working with students is a unique privilege. Many come from villages and towns far from Tirana where they have never heard the Gospel. Please pray for the Christian youth as they are active and involved in sharing with their peers that they would be preserved and blessed and that many would be won for the Saviour. Sylvia continues to practice part time at the Christian clinic with the development and training of new Christian doctors. She is the only foreign doctor at the clinic. We take the opportunity to thank you all for your spiritual, prayerful and practical fellowship.
Summer 2015
Written by Enri and Sylvia Nase - Albania