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Ministry & Outreach in Out-of-the-way Places

David & Helen McKillen

David & Helen McKillen

It is a good thing to reflect on the purposes of God and their working out in our lives. The Lord said to Joshua, at a most momentous occasion;

"As I was,so shall I be, I will not fail thee nor forsake thee. Be strong and of a good courage." (Jos 1:5-6).

We might consider that Jehovah needed to say nothing more than the opening phrase. "I will not fail" is not possible, for He was and is and will be the unchanging one. It is us who fail, and we see our failures the more clearly in reflection. Nevertheless, we have much to give thanks for looking back. Helen continues to make marvelous progress, and we are indebted to so many that we have no other means to thank. It is a joy to be asked, "How is Helen, I pray for her often". And a double joy to respond in the affirmative, her continued health is a direct product of the grace of God and the prayers of many. Helen in 2016 successfully completed her re-registration with the UK Nursing Council and is now temporarily helping in palliative care in our local hospital, a door which the Lord graciously opened just recently.

I have been travelling extensively in ministry and gospel, but mostly in out-of-the-way parts, and in 2016, some places where I had not been before. It was a joy to visit BC, and the Okanagan Valley for the first time, and I am returning there, to the Westbank assembly for the Gospel in February 2017, and also to Kamloops, DV, for gospel also.

Two areas, perhaps three, for which we would request continued prayer are as follows: The Orkney Islands lie off the North coast of Scotland, between the Hebrides and the Shetlands. All three areas are remote, and the population spread across quite a few small islands. I have been visiting the Orkney's particularly and have been to each assembly (there are now five) more than once. I hope to return in May to Kirkwall, the capital, for gospel meetings in May. This will be the first fulllength series for some time, the assemblies are small, and the area is very dark in many ways. It will take a breakthrough of the Spirit of God to see interest generated and blessing to follow. Please remember the island assemblies in your prayers.

I have also been labouring with a small assembly in Collooney, in County Sligo in the south-west of Ireland. I have visited quite often, and with the help of one or two local brothers, every home in the county has been visited. The response to the short gospel campaign last June was beyond expectation, and interest and new contacts have been maintained. I hope to return to another town in the County for Gospel in August and September in 2017. Prayer would be valued for Tobercurry and the contacts which we have in that town. I have been blessed to be able to visit Botswana for a time, each year since we had to relocate to NI. In 2015 the meetings in Francistown were marked by blessing and the assembly has been strengthened since. In October 2016 they had their first Conference for four years, and I was again privileged to be there to address over 300 who gathered. I also was able to visit the assemblies in Gaborone, Selibi Phikwe and Maun in the far north-west.

Please remember these later two assemblies in prayer. Phikwe has lost its main employer in the closure of a government-owned copper plant. The assembly is small and struggling. Remember brother Peter who carries the weight of the local burden. Prayer is needed for his family and the testimony there. Also remember Dan in Maun. The assembly is not strong, but Dan often travels in midweek into Namibia with the Gospel. I have joined him there often, and the distances, but also the opportunities are alike immense. There is no assembly testimony in Namibia. So, please pray for Maun and the outreach in Namibia. The harvest is plentiful - though we may see less of it in the West - and the labourers are few and fewer. Many small assemblies - in the US and the Midwest are isolated and needing encouragement, likewise in the UK and Ireland. The need is everywhere. Pray for wisdom for personal guidance that each "call" responded too, and each open door, is of the Lord, both in direction and timing. We do appreciate and value the prayers of the Lord's people in every part. And we are grateful for the interest shown in what little we do for His kingdom.

Spring 2017 Written by David & Helen McKillen - Botswana


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