It is a privilege to write a few words on some of what God is accomplishing for His glory in Veracruz, Mexico, the beautiful Gulf State of over 8 million people. The largest city in Veracruz State is the port city of Veracruz and along with the metropolitan area would have a population close to a 1,000,000 people. In July 2009 an assembly was formed in this port city and since then God has preserved and added to the company of believers.
Veracruz, Mexico The spiritual growth and gospel exercise among the Christians are a testament to His power. This year several individuals saved by God's grace have been baptized, and two couples among others have been added to the testimony in the port of Veracruz.
In June of this year, we were encouraged by good attendance to a week of Bible classes for children in Veracruz. The assembly purchased a centrally located property earlier this year, and the construction project of a new building for the assembly may soon begin in the will of the Lord.
In addition to the weekly gospel testimony of the assembly in the port city, there are regular weekly outreach gospel efforts in the towns of Cotaxtla, and El Hatito, Veracruz. These weekly meetings are consistently supported by believers of the assembly in Veracruz.
Cotaxtla In the small town of Cotaxtla (45min SW of Veracruz), we are thankful for God's work among adults and children over the last eight years. In October, a couple from Cotaxtla was added to the fellowship in Veracruz making a total of 8 from this rural town who form part of the assembly in Veracruz. It is a significant commitment for the believers from Cotaxtla to make the hour trip to and from the city of Veracruz to obey the Lord's command to remember His death until He returns, through the Breaking of Bread. Each Wednesday, there is a children's Bible class followed by a second hour of gospel or ministry, and attendance to both these regular weekly meetings has been encouraging.
El Hatito Through a couple in the Veracruz assembly, the Lord presented us with a building and a small group of people to share the gospel with in the small town of Hatito (1 hour NW of VC). Sunday evening gospel meetings in this small village began in mid-February 2016 in a rented house with the small group there, with encouraging interest. One man as well as another couple and their young son have trusted Christ as their Saviour. In October, some Christians from Veracruz distributed 2000 texts with invitations in El Hatito and the neighbouring town of Tolome, inviting people to a gospel series. A two-week gospel series which followed had good attendance, especially of children. During the two-week series, we carried out a Bible class for children on the adjacent patio while the gospel was preached inside the house to adults in attendance.
Coscomaptepec A couple, as well as others of the Veracruz assembly, have continued to visit Coscomaptepec each month with the Gospel. Some tracts, invitations and texts have been distributed, and attendance to house meetings has been encouraging. Over a few years, God has blessed in salvation, through the gospel outreach effort in this city of 54,000 people. In recent months, one older man and one young man have professed in Salvation. On November 12th two sisters from Coscomatepec will obey the Lords in baptism, God willing.
Tuxpan Since June 2015 we have attempted to make monthly visits as a family to the small, coastal port city of Tuxpan, (population 78,000) located about 4 1/2 hours north of Veracruz City. Tim & Jenna Stevenson who labour in Xalapa, have joined in helping to maintain contact with a small group of individuals who have heard the gospel through some house meetings in Tuxpan. Please pray that the Lord will establish His work for His glory in this growing city for His glory.
Xalapa The capital of Veracruz State is located two hours north-west of Veracruz City. In 2011 we began monthly house meetings, and God blessed in salvation. In 2013 it was an answer to much prayer that Timothy & Jenna Stephenson came in live and work in this city. Tim and Jenna have been very active in the distribution of gospel literature and also open-air preaching with local brethren. It was a joy to join with them and some new believers in April 2015 to remember the Lord for the first time in the breaking of bread in Xalapa.

Tim & Jenna Stevenson labour in Xalapa,
The continuance and development of the Lord's work here in the state of Veracruz is only through His grace and power at work from day to day. It has involved the preaching of the gospel and gospel outreach work among adults and children in many areas, biblical teaching as well as helping where possible with marriage and family need and also practical and work-related needs, challenges of and including family difficulties, the prosperity gospel, economic instability, the confusion of false teachings of many kinds, and immorality, but God steadily continues His work in the hearts and lives of individuals by His grace and for His glory. Please pray for the light of God's truth and the testimony to His name and power will shine more and more brightly in this needy field.
Spring 2017 Written by John and Rebekah Nesbitt - Mexico jnesbitt5@gmail.com