Timothy & Rhoda Sloan

In the third of five warnings in the Hebrew epistle the writer exhorts his readers to be diligent and not slothful (Heb. 6:11-12). He encourages them with the example of Abraham (verses 13-15), who was patient and who persevered. He reminds them that their God cannot lie, that His counsel is immutable, that His word is true and that ALL He has promised will come to pass! Let us in 2012 be more diligent, dedicated and devoted to the Lord and to every aspect of assembly life.
Building Project: We are totally dependent upon the Lord to meet our need. What the Lord provides we carefully spend and have in place a very detailed account system. Much progress has been made throughout 2011. We have been able to finish one room inside (Ukraine Aid room in the basement) and almost another two rooms (prayer meeting room and a little library/fire escape). Outside we have now all our windows and doors installed, the building plastered, ready for painting in the spring of 2012 (D.V.) and the paving stones down, at the front of the building.
One of the most difficult aspects of the building process is trying to plan ahead - not sure when and what the Lord will provide for us. We began in February 2009 and have looked to the Lord each month to provide the necessary funding to pay for the materials ordered and wages for the builders. We hope to do major inside work throughout the winter.
The assembly will be celebrating its tenth anniversary at the end of April 2012 and we would love to be able to use the main hall on that occasion. We firmly believe that a finished building will be such a blessing for the work here in Lutsk. Do continue to pray that the Lord will provide. More information on the website www.nta.lutsk.ua
The assembly continues to grow both spiritually and numerically. It was a joy for us, in July, to baptize a young sister, Olga, whose father, mother and brother are in happy assembly fellowship. It is good to see a family all saved and in assembly fellowship. We continue to be active in the Gospel in the hall, on the streets of Lutsk, and in various neighbouring villages. Many unsaved attend our weekly meetings and we know of two who are showing an interest.
We were encouraged to hear that a young sister, Nadia, would like to be baptized. We have just finished some meetings in the village of Ozeraw. The children learnt John 1:1-5 and listened attentively each night with fifteen unsaved adults attending.
We would appreciate your continued prayers for Anatoly and Jeannette. She has been unwell and gone back to Newfoundland for treatment. Anatoly, who is very faithful to the assembly and to the work here, has had a difficult year with the death of both
his father and grandmother. His grandfather, almost ninety-two, is not well and not saved.
Lydia, a widow, has a great testimony where she lives and is so faithful in attending the assembly. She is very poor and would appreciate your prayers.
Many have visited us throughout 2011 and this we greatly appreciate. They came from Canada - Flo Kancir, M. Stanley, H. Pratt, Max & Ingrid McLean; America - D. Perez, Heather Anderson, Liz Nicol; England - J. Colledge; Ireland - S. Dover; N.I. - P. McClarty, S. Ambrose, T. Sloan, A. Kerr, Rebecca Sloan, Laura-Jane Adair, Bobby & Elizabeth Carson, Richard & Elaine Nelson and our fellow workers commended from N.I., Edmund & Agnes Johnston.
Conference: We had the joy of our brethren Paul McClarty and James Colledge for the 2011 conference. During eight days we had seven ministry meetings, six children's meetings, two Gospel meetings, five open-air meetings, one baptism and distributed thousands of Gospel tracts. Brother Paul spoke on the book of James and the ministry was challenging and practical. Brother James took the children's meetings in the nearby village of Ozeraw and by Friday we had eighty-six children and a number of adults attending. James was faithful in his teaching of the children and the Gospel was clearly preached.
The caring of one-hundred-and-thirty-five children brings them into contact with the Gospel they would never otherwise hear. It is our privilege, through your help, to bring the Gospel to the most vulnerable in society. We have seen some of these young people saved. Indeed one of the sisters in the assembly (Ira), who helps in this work, was once one of these children herself. What is the value of a soul?
One-Hundred Children Taught the Scriptures Daily and Given a Hot Meal: Bobby & Elizabeth Carson (who are such a help in this work) visited us during October to see how the work progresses. Every day approximately one-hundred children sing choruses, learn passages of Scripture (in 2011 they quoted John 10 & 1 Tim. 2) as well as listen to a bible story. This is an amazing work that will be a true blessing. Without your support these children would not get a hot meal, nor would they have help regarding clothes and medicines.

Fifty-Two Special Needs Children: One sister in the assembly (Vita) has the responsibility of visiting each apartment twice a month and delivering a food bag plus pampers, clothes and shoes. No words could describe the totally pitiful conditions in which these children live as many of them live and die in one room, having never been outside! What a privilege for the assembly here, through your help, to show just a little care. Mykola (17), has been paralyzed from birth. The only other boy in the family was also paralyzed and died eight years ago. Mykola's mother cannot work as she has to look after him.
Thirty-Five Orphans: At the beginning of September I had a meeting with the director of all twenty-six schools here in Lutsk. With tears in her eyes she asked me if we could take responsibility of providing a hot meal for another one-hundred-and- ten children who, she described, as the "poorest of the poor." We visited each apartment and came back to the director having decided, before the Lord, to take care of thirty-five children who live in the vicinity of the Gospel Hall. In the last weeks, eight of these children have started to attend Sunday School. They are orphans and some of them have major health problems. Without salvation, the future is unthinkable. It is hard to visit them and remain untouched. We cannot help all the children of the world so does that mean we should close our eyes and help none? The "fatherless" have a special place in the heart of God and the Father, (James 1:27) and it is our privilege to help as many as we can.
Karina (9), Myroslava (11) and Vika (8), orphan girls whose father died from tuberculosis and their mother left them a long time ago, are being looked after by their grandparents. Also in the apartment is the grandmother's father, who has leukemia and their divorced uncle. We have stood in this apartment and listened to the cries of the grandmother, "What is going to happen to the girls if I die?" Salvation is the only answer and through your kindness Karina, Myroslava and Vika are now able to hear the Gospel.

Over the past years many assemblies and individuals have sacrificed so much, so that we can carry on this most important work. We have many, who are poor in the assembly here in Lutsk, as well as one- hundred-and-thirty-five children plus fifty-two special needs children, who really depend on us! The aid you so generously give is most beneficial!
During 2011 we opened a new distribution room in the basement of the Gospel Hall. This has been a great blessing and many have benefited greatly. Ukraine Aid really appreciates your help!
We have much to be thankful for and the Lord has truly blessed us. Someone has said, "A pessimist sees a difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty." God wants to use our difficulties to make us better, not bitter. God sends trials not to impair us but to improve us. Rhoda and I would like to sincerely thank you for your interest in the work of God here. We covet your prayers and greatly appreciate your practical support. We really mean it when we say we could not do what we are doing without you. It means so much to us to know that you labour with us in the Gospel! Please remember our family in prayer: James & Esther and their little girls, Keren & Selah, and our sons, Thomas & Andrew.