David and Helen McKillen
STREET OUTREACH WORK: 2012 began with an intensive period of Gospel Calendar distribution on the streets of Cape Town. Our full colour gospel poster calendars, with contact details and assembly meeting times in many languages, have caught the awareness of many local assemblies. We assisted in the delivery and distribution of over 35,000 calendars locally, at bus stations, on the sea fronts, at filling stations, and in door-to-door work around many assemblies. In the goodness of the Lord we know of over thirty requests for Bible Study material, many other enquiries and visitors at various assembly meetings - including some to observe the Breaking of Bread for the first time - and, most of all, the news of two souls coming to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus through conviction from calendar texts received. We know of calendars still being distributed - the total print run was over 200,000 - and some assemblies ordered reprints well into February. We already have enquiries for 2013 and need the prayers of the Lord's people for wisdom as how best to cope financially and logistically with this increasing demand. It is a mighty tool in the realm of the "printed Word."
TRACT PRINTING & BIBLE SALES: Helen and I are both involved, four days a week, in the work of the "Evangelical Mission Press," now in its 81st year in Cape Town. In 2011 we printed over 2,000,000 gospel tracts, most of which were for local distribution. We also provide a mobile bible bookstall at every assembly conference in the city and within a two-hundred kilometre radius. This allows many saints who have not ready access to Christian bookshops, to have recourse to bibles, hymnbooks and sound commentaries, at reasonable prices. The outlying areas benefit most and last year we visited some rural con-ferences for the first time, with good results. I am often engaged in the ministry as well, so Helen provides a very practical supporting role, with others, in running the bookstall during conference. Do remember this in your prayers.
A dear sister who is a seamstress in our largest city referral hospital, has been distributing calendars there for four years. From the testimony of this work she was asked if she could provide bibles for adults and children within the hospital. She was given space to operate for a few hours each week. We gladly supplied the variety of English, Afrikaans and Xhosa bibles and she set up the little stall last month. We have been greatly surprised at how the Lord has used this outlet in a massive hospital and the demand for bibles has far exceeded our expectations. Last week she was asked for two copies of "Believers Bible Commentary" by a staff member. This is a significant investment in monetary terms and we are thankful that in an unexpected quarter we can, through the labour of others, "cast [our] bread upon the waters," expecting the Lord to further bless this seed-sowing in a needy sphere.
MINISTRY & GOSPEL ACTIVITY: Having introduced a large colour Chart on 'Revelation & End-Time Events' and accompanying notes and study material with the ministry given, we were greatly encouraged at the response in the assembly where we commenced. The interest and attendance - many from outside assembly circles and many unbelievers - was most encouraging, and the Lord blessed in salvation. We have continued contact with these new believers and they show signs of growth and interest in the Word of God. We have seen a huge reawakening of interest in prophetic teaching, as a result, and in the will of the Lord, the requests and bookings continue to come in. We have come to appreciate why the Lord hindered plans to travel outside South Africa in the early part of 2012. The Lord has laid on us a burden for this local work and we are glad that the health issues which hindered, have all receded. The Lord makes no mistakes in His plans and purposes if we have the grace and humility to submit to His leading.
I am presently in a month-long prophesy series in two local assemblies in the southern part of Cape Town. Steenberg and Grassy Park assemblies arranged to combine and requested two weeks in each hall. The interest has been excellent and numbers have increased fivefold. Many believers are coming in from denominations and confessing that they have had no teaching on prophesy, in a generation. The appetite for prophetic exposition is a huge encouragement in what is a very weighty undertaking. Two other assemblies locally have put off their weeknight meeting to attend and the building has been packed nightly. The Lord has given much enablement and strength. We will move to another location, twenty kilometres east, where three small assemblies are combining for a similar series. We provide a leaflet for door-to-door distribution before each series, as well as notes each night and an A4 booklet at the end of the series. Submissions to a question box are either answered within the ministry or at a question and discussion night at the end. The four-metre full-colour version of Dr. Harry Ironside's Revelation chart is a wonderful focal point and backdrop.
A four-week series has been unheard of here for over thirty years and many of the older saints are rejoicing to see interest and numbers revived. We ask for much prayer for sustaining grace and strength, for liberty in the Spirit in such weighty subjects, for protection and preservation from the attack of the evil one who, we feel has been provoked by the spotlight of the Word being shone on his devices and, lastly, for blessing in revival amongst the Lord's people and salvation among the many unsaved loved ones who attend. We hope to continue in back-to-back series right through - at present requests - into 2013, if the Lord has not come.