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Dedemsvaart, Netherlands

Lou & Trudy Swaan

Lou & Trudy Swaan Schuttevaer 79, 7701 DE Dedemsvaart, The Netherlands

Of late we both are not keeping in the best of health. Trudy had a much-needed operation to her right hip in February. She is slowly recovering but still feels much pain in her knees. The doctors would like her to have surgery on her knees but Trudy is very hesitant to have more surgery. Please pray for wisdom in deciding what is best.

Although physically we feel weak, we are so thankful to the Lord for the perfection of His strength and His sufficient grace which we daily prove. Despite all this, we continue to spread the gospel where we can, in personal contacts and with the different assembly activities.

The season is beginning again for the various markets which we, and other believers, are involved in. They are in various places and bibles, books and tracts are distributed. We always enjoy good opportunities, during those times, to renew contacts with folks we have spoken to in the past and to converse with others who we have never met before. Please pray for fruit from this work for God's glory.

We had an encouraging time of fellowship over Easter weekend at the Dedemsvaart conference. Brother Willie Barr from Scotland helped in the ministry, along with other Dutch brothers. The believers were both encouraged and challenged by the ministry and fellowship. It was also encouraging to see some younger believers who were in assembly fellowship in the past, come back to enjoy the ministry. It is good to know that they know where good food can be found.

We ask you to pray that they and others will soon be back enjoying fellowship around the Lord Jesus, and with us again.


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