As we are about to commence a new chapter in our service for the Lord we cannot but help raise a song in our hearts as we recall His great faithfulness to us as a family in the 13 years we have been based in the UK, truly our testimony is, hitherto hath the Lord helped us. This gives us great confidence as we step out once again in faith to meet the challenges that await us in His service in Angola on a more permanent basis. As we recall the Lords faithfulness, we remember too the loyal support and prayers of so many of His people. And now, as we are on the threshold of leaving the UK we would simply pass onto you our sincere thanks and would earnestly covet your continued prayers as we enter into this period of transition and settling back into the demands of living life in Angola.

Brian & Debbie Howden
We leave on Tuesday 20th September in the evening and anticipate spending a couple of days in Luanda buying supplies which cannot be found in Saurimo, and organising the needed work on the new print facilities in Luanda before making our way across the country to Camundambala by the 24th September.
One of the most important things to do once we arrive at Camundambala is to replace the roofing sheets on the newest part of the house as they leak badly and have ruined the ceiling. Then the kitchen needs to be ripped out and replaced, which is essential as we want to use the house for entertaining the Lord's people. Thankfully, there is not an enormous amount of work needing to be done on the house, as we have been able to plug away at that over the past 4-5 years during our brief visits. This will enable me to start fairly quickly on the Bible studies and other meetings that the Lord has laid on our hearts as we seek to fulfil His commission to "preach the Gospel and to make disciples."
Please pray for those who will be left behind, who pay the price that obedience demands, it is not just the distance involved that is felt, but the knowledge that life in Angola is demanding physically and spiritually full on every day as Satan fights for every inch of ground. We feel our weakness and would value prayer that as we say our goodbyes and adjust to the challenges ahead we might be "strong in the Lord and in the power of His might".
Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord might have free course, and be glorified as it is with you. 2 Thess 3:1
Autumn 2016
Written by Brian & Debbie Howden - Angola