Written by John & Olive McDowell

As we reach the end of another year which has slipped away so quickly, we must acknowledge, "The Lord is good" and remember to give thanks unto the Lord and rejoice that "There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken." Joshua 21:45. How faithful is our God and Saviour!
Forty years ago, this month, we arrived in Australia to discover that some areas of the outback were very similar to what the children of Israel experienced in their forty years in the wilderness. During the course of this time, we have had our Marah experiences and our Elim experiences. We also discovered that some places were just as barren, spiritually, with no assemblies and no Gospel. However, we do thank God that our lot is cast during this day of grace and not under law and we have been privileged to make known the glorious Gospel of the grace of God to millions of souls in this needy land, by highways, in homes, in halls, in tents, from door-to-door and in the open street. We often wonder, what shall he harvest be?
During the past few months we have been encouraged by blessing in salvation. Some have been baptized and some received into fellowship - to God be the glory! We also thank God for younger brethren who have been raised up of God with an exercise to care for His people.

Our brother, Clive Barber, has continued to keep busy in Gospel series during the year and made good use of the tent. He has also been encouraged by seeing the Lord's Hand in blessing in the salvation of souls.
Bryan Stewart of Magherafelt, N.I., gave us three nights of very helpful ministry on "Assembly Truth" at Burleigh Heads, when he arrived. Bryan and his wife and family are making their home in Adelaide, South Australia.
We value your continued prayers, for in other areas we have had our disappointments. We never imagined that conditions would deteriorate so rapidly, yet we are confident that the risen Head, our Lord Jesus Christ, who has supplied the need of His people down the ages, is all-sufficient to provide for a rising generation of believers who are just as precious to Him, having been purchased with His precious blood that they might be sustained to maintain testimony to His blessed Name, until He comes.
How we rejoice in the wonderful prospect of the Lord's coming. One of the many letters we have answered, during the year, was from a man in Western Australia who believed in A-millennialism and signed his second letter, "A very disappointed Christian." In my reply, I said that I too would be a very disappointed Christian if I thought that we had to go through the tribulation. Thank God for the Lord' promises: John 14:3, 1st Thess. 4:16-18, Rev. 22:7, v.12 & v. 20 and Rev. 3:10.
Another year, with the help of the Lord, we have succeeded in having over seventy of the 6 m. x 3 m. signs displayed on the highways. In the early part of the year, the response was somewhat spasmodic but, in recent months, we have been encouraged for it has been evident that God has been speaking. Some who contacted us, have been convicted of their sin, through the Word of God on the billboards.
My health was much better in 2012 than the year before, with less chest infections, though I still struggle with shortness of breath but thankful to be able to attend the local assembly meetings and give a little help in ministry and the Gospel, in a number of assemblies in South-East Queensland. Olive continues to keep well, so we have much to praise God for.