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Writer's picture: John & Olive McDowellJohn & Olive McDowell

John & Olive McDowell

We could see the Lord's hand in reducing our workload. Some of those who were in touch by letter, telephone and text message, were good contacts. We continue to sow the ‘good seed’, trusting that some will have fallen on good ground.

There were occasions when we were removed quite suddenly from the work and yet we cannot question God's ways as we think of some with whom we were brought into close contact in hospital and the opportunity to present the Gospel. We could only acknowledge that our being there was of God. During our last two weeks in hospital we had quite a lengthy conversation with a Jewish rabbi and felt humbled when we considered that he belonged to the nation whom God had chosen to be the custodians of His truth and yet here we were, just poor Gentiles, privileged to bring the Truth of the Gospel to this man. We truly marvel at God's grace and will praise Him forever.

As always, the Lord balances the disappointments with experiences that uplift us and the months past have had their share of situations that have grieved our souls. How we long for evidence of greater zeal and spirituality. Conditions in some areas have driven us to our knees and we are also deeply saddened to hear brethren criticizing the Word of God, either from the platform or in articles in magazines, which would indicate that they have lost their way. As a young believer, never once did we hear Godly overseers or teachers ever criticize the Holy Scriptures. As we consider the amazing work of God in the Reformation, we are convinced that those forty-seven men who gave us our Bible in English, were specially fitted by God. These men were most proficient in Hebrew, Greek and English and some of them could speak Hebrew and Greek as though it were their mother tongue. Do you wonder that we are amused when we hear brethren say, “This is how it should read,” as though they had some special

We marvel at the goodness of our God over many years, allowing us the privilege of serving Him and spreading the Gospel in this needy land. We have secured some new sites for the Gospel verses on the highways, to be displayed over the holiday season when thousands of people are travelling.

During these past twelve months we have been somewhat restricted in our activities, with over four months spent in hospital for intravenous antibiotics. With so much time off we have not been able to have as many Gospel verses displayed on the highways as previous years, nevertheless millions of people would have read the Word of God in forty-six different locations.

With the Lord's enabling we also managed to cover 200,000 homes with Gospel literature and run a series of newspaper ads. While the volume of response was less than previous years, even in this revelation? Older brethren may have quoted J. N. Darby or Mr. Newberry's margin as a suggestion of an additional thought, always making it clear that this was the opinion of these men, but never once suggesting that the Bible was wrong. When we hear brethren quote some of these modern versions, which in so many cases detract from the Person of Christ, and they suggest we ought to replace what is written, we are truly disturbed.

We are thankful that God has balanced the disappointments with experiences of blessing. In the year that is past we have been encouraged to know of souls being saved. We thank our God for that which has given us joy locally and are so pleased that our brethren continue to preach the Gospel in the park, at Burleigh Heads and Cooroy and in the Brisbane Mall, with encouragement. Other brethren have been engaged in series of Gospel meetings and our young brother, Clive Barber, has been making good use of the tent. We also appreciate our brethren who continue to maintain a testimony to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ in isolated areas, though often few. We have enjoyed their fellowship in days past but, with reduced lung capacity, it is no longer possible to drive the distances but we do remember them in prayer.

When my health permits, we enjoy sharing in ministry and Gospel in a number of assemblies here in South East Queensland. We will value your continued prayers.

Items for prayer:

  1. Please pray that many will be convicted of their sin and brought to repentance and faith in Christ as they read the Gospel verses displayed on the highway signs across Australia.

  2. Pray that God will bless His Word distributed in tract form to millions of homes in recent years.

  3. Pray for the many who have responded to our offer of a free Bible and additional literature, that they will be saved.

  4. Pray for believers gathered to the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ in Australia and New Zealand, who are seeking to maintain scriptural assembly testimony, particularly for small companies in remote areas.

  5. Pray for believers in isolated areas where, because of the distances, are deprived of Christian fellowship.

  6. Pray that God will raise up young men to take the Gospel to the many towns and villages where there are no assemblies.

  7. Brethren pray for us.


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