I have served the Lord in the Amaranth/Sandy Bay First Nation since 2005. The Lord enables me to share the Good News with youth in the local school and at two drop-in Centres. Youth come to my home for meals and sleepovers, and we go on trips together. Bible studies are held weekly, and I set up Gospel tables at various community functions yearly. Please pray with me that many will come to know God's salvation and His life-changing power
The Lord sent me to Sandy Bay First Na tion in Manitoba almost 19 years ago. I was very busy in the local school doing Bible lessons from grades 1-8 for over ten years and running a Good News Drop-in centre in the evenings for the youth, which was shut down by the reserve over COVID-19. During a traumatic time, the governing body decided they didn’t want Bible teaching in the school anymore and wanted cultural classes instead. During that time, another door opened to run another drop-in center just off the reserve, which I did for eight years and mainly served adults from the reserve. That was called The Meeting Place (Craft nights, clothing giveaways, and Bible teaching).
For the last 2-3 years, besides running TMP, I have been focusing on sharing the Gospel in other reserves in Manitoba and have visited over 35 of them, with over half of them being visited many, many times. The Lord guides me to meet many Native Christians with whom I build relationships and seek to encourage, and I give literature to them for use in their community. As the Lord provides, IBHP helps me make Aboriginal-friendly posters I print once a year to distribute to the thousands on my travels. I also distribute the Intertribal Life Newspaper along with the Gospel texts, of which I have been writing a Gospel article for almost 19 years and have just recently been added as a board member.(www.Indianlife.org)
The Lord has shown me in the last year that it is time to move to Saskatchewan to be closer to Indian life ministries, which are situated in Alberta, as well as reach out to over 60 First Nations communities.
I left Kelliher, Sask. after I graduated Thirty-six years ago, but I will be moving back to my hometown, which is in the middle of about 20 FN communities. All of my unsaved family live there (aunt, uncle, cousins, sister, and niece/nephew), as well as my parents, who are now 73 and facing health challenges. A ready-to-move home is being built and will be moved to Kelliher by the end of July. Recently I have visited about 16 reserves in Sask. for the first time and was very encouraged by the reception.
Possible opportunities to serve are, to share the gospel, work among the elderly and with kids in the local school where I graduated in 1989! Please pray that the Lord’s hand will be clear as I seek to work with Him in regard to the specific ministry for the increase of His kingdom. Please pray that things will go well as I seek to pack and move into a home to work out of! Please pray for my unsaved family, that God will save them. (I sought to visit them every two months for 1-3 days over these many years since they were only 5 hours away.) Praise God for the many years I served in MB, and may God bless the seed sown. I’m thankful I can return to MB every two months to purchase and pick up my next supply of Intertribal Life Newspapers printed every two months, as I have been doing for many years, to use for Gospel work. Lord willing, I plan to visit the Christians at my commending assembly and my contacts in Native MB to see how they are doing. All by His grace!
Written by Beck Kew