We continue with the Lord's help to spread the word of God in several places here in Tucupita and some villages not far from the city. In each place there are many children and they receive a short message and are taught a verse every week. Then following that we have a gospel meeting. Most of these meetings are held in the open air. On Sunday evenings the Lord's people make a big effort to bring unsaved to the hall, and it's encouraging to see the hall usually quite filled and many attending for the first time. Please Pray that the Lord may give increase to his word which has been sown in many souls.
We were able to make another visit to some communities which are only accessible by river, and were very encouraged again by the receptivity of the people and their desire to listen to God's word. Many expressed that they would like us to return soon as they want to hear the words of God's book. . Most of the inhabitants of these communities are natives of the Warao tribe. They are very poor and many are limited in their understanding of Spanish. Only a minority can read, and their children are scarcely receiving any education. With the help of the 2 way chart we try to explain the gospel to them in simplest terms. Even though we find many who have made a profession with the Pentecostal movement, very few know the true Gospel. Our many engagements with the children's work here in the city and the difficulty to get fuel for the boat have limited these visits, but we are exercised about making a bigger effort to preach in these places and would really value your Prayers for this purpose.
I must say that I am deeply grateful to the Lord for His provision of a helpmeet for me after being 2 and a half years on my own since the home call of my late wife Veronica in January 2021.

On the 25th of August 2023, William was united in marriage with Joelina Ramos, a sister in fellowship in the assembly of Tucupita. Your prayers on our behalf and on behalf of our children are greatly valued as we seek to continue labouring for Our Master in this region.
Autumn 2023
Written by William Turkington - Venezuela