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Tucupita, Delta Amacuro

Writer's picture: Timothy & Amy TurkingtonTimothy & Amy Turkington

The Lord, in His infinite mercy, gave me the privilege of being able to return with my three boys, Matthew, Mark, and Philip, to our field of labor in Tucupita, Estado Delta Amacuro, on the 28th of March 2021, after an absence of 1 year and five months. Although feeling keenly the absence of my dear wife, who was taken home on the 11th of January 2021, after a year battling with Leukaemia, we have come to appreciate that our Lord's ways are past finding out, and we submit to His Sovereign design.

By mid-September, the local authorities made the restrictions more flexible due to Covid in this area, so it was possible to begin public gatherings. Almost immediately, we began a series of Gospel meetings here in the city, on the site where we are building the Gospel hall. Very good numbers of unsaved attended the meetings, and it was encouraging to see the exercise of several of our sisters to invite and encourage the people to come. It pleased the Lord to save some souls, and we also had the joy of baptizing eight believers who had been persevering for over two years showing clear evidence of new life. These were received into fellowship in the assembly of Maturin, which is 3 hrs away in the state of Monagas. With this addition, there are now 16 in fellowship here. It gives us hope that soon there may be an indication from heaven that the Lord has planted an assembly here in Tucupita. Since then, we have held gospel meetings in another area of the city and several series of ministry and bible readings to help the believers in relation to fundamental church doctrine. A brother who is an elder in our home Assembly in San Carlos, with his wife, spent three months with us and was a real help in all these activities. The Lord has provided for the construction of the Gospel Hall. A brother from The Maturin Assembly has undertaken this job with his employees for which we are very grateful.

Since the pandemic started, the four bible classes held weekly in different areas had to be canceled. Since the beginning of the year, as the schools have opened up again, we have been trying to initiate this work again. So far, we have been able to start two of them. The children, as usual, are very eager to attend, sing the bible choruses, memorize a gospel text and listen to a short message. We trust the Lord will use his Word to bring them into the light.

What has become more difficult is the access to the communities of "Waraos" along the river Orinoco, as gasoline shortage has reduced the means of transport. Very few motorboats are seen on the river at present, except those that have links with the government to obtain fuel. We pray that this situation may improve and that it may be possible again to take the message of salvation to those in remote areas of this state. Some who have traveled in their canoes for several days to get provisions in the city have come to the meetings, and have been able to hear the gospel.

So, I richly value your prayers on behalf of the Lord's work here in Delta Amacuro. How true are the words of the psalmist: "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it." Also, my three boys are doing their best to continue life without their dear mother, who was also their schoolteacher. Many have been supporting us daily in prayer, and for this, we are very grateful.

"Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded." 2 Chron 15: 7

Spring 2022

Written by Timothy and Amy Turkington - VENEZUELA


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