The Lord has been giving the needed help. A few weeks ago, Sylvia's dear Mum entered her eternal home. She was a faithful support to us in many ways over the years and to many here in Albania who remember her fondly. She visited on several occasions and left an indelible impression on the believers. Your prayers for the immediate family circle in the days ahead are coveted, that the God of all comfort would be near, and those still unsaved would be won to Christ.
The Assembly The Lord continues to be faithful. In December, we rejoiced with sister G as she testified to the Lord's saving grace and obedience through baptism. She is growing in faith as she studies the Bible using the translated Emmaus courses. Her husband is open to the Gospel but has not yet taken that step of faith. We often meet with him and continue to pray that the Lord will work by bringing him to saving faith. Recently, we finished studying the book of Acts in our midweek meeting. It is encouraging to see several other brethren regularly sharing in giving some ministry, enabling us to dedicate more time to other aspects of assembly life, such as pastoral care, which is much needed.
In April, we had special outreach Gospel meetings for Easter. Many friends and relatives were invited, and it was a thrill to see so many of them respond. My uncle and his wife, who would both be practising Orthodox, came along, and my uncle, in particular, had many pointed questions. It was clear he was considering these important matters. Mum, who by tradition is Bektashi, came, and we continue to pray for the salvation of these loved ones, that they would be awakened to their spiritual need and find Christ as their Saviour.
The young couple responsible for the youth meetings are doing an excellent job, and it is a joy to observe their growth. We have considered the first eight chapters of Romans this year and have just finished for the summer break. Some of the students will return to their respective towns and villages over the holidays, and we trust that those who profess will be encouraged to witness for the Master.
As elders, we meet regularly to discuss issues that concern the assembly. At the moment, our main focus is reaching others with the Gospel beyond the various activities already in place. We also hope to restart English classes in the autumn, as they have been fruitful in the past.
"Israel and the Church" and "Can we trust the Gospels?" are almost ready to go to the printer, and we look forward to distributing them among the believers soon. Recently, we received a request from a Christian lady working at the women's prison in Tirana for Christian literature, as several women had trusted Christ. We often get similar requests for Albanian literature from within the country and worldwide, which we are happy to provide freely. An earlier request this year was for 180 copies of books we have published!
Web materials and other teachings:
We hope to launch a virtual platform soon, where Christians will have ready access to sound Biblical teaching material in Albanian. With the web so easily accessible, even in the least economically developed countries, we feel it is worth the time and effort to develop. This will also mean that many Albanian believers worldwide can access these materials for their study or to help disciple other Albanians for Christ.
Once again, we were able to travel to the South of the country for a week of intense teaching on the Old Testament. We enjoyed renewing fellowship with the believers there. At the beginning of May, we were responsible for two seminars on the Bible and archaeology. A subject that outlines the historical proofs for our faith and provides evidence that the Bible is, in fact, accurate. This is an essential topic to discuss in an Islamic setting and invaluable when witnessing. As the work here expands, passing on to others "all the counsel of God" becomes vital for the testimony and its continuation. Applying the apostolic pattern to the work here is something we deem essential to maintain a lasting witness for the Lord in this city.

In Memory of brother Anderson Hernandez Cancun, MEXICO
Anderson and Maria Eugenia Hernandez were commended from the Calle Sucre Assembly in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, to the Lord's work in Mexico. They arrived in April 2014

Our dear brother Anderson was suddenly called home to glory at 41 years of age on Saturday, July 30, 2022, in the city of Merida, Yucatan.He was suffering from covid and felt so sick that around 3:00 am, he decided to drive to the hospital. Tragically he died in a car accident.
His wife Maria had gone to Venezuela to renew her passport and was stranded in Venezuela, waiting for her passport to return to Mexico. The children, Timothy, 11 and daughter Ximena, six years old, had stayed with Anderson in Mexico, and now both of their parents were absent. Timothy Turkington and his family very kindly took care of them until Maria could finally obtain her passport and fly back to Mexico.
The funeral service took place in Cancun, Mexico, on Saturday, November 27, 2022. and was broadcast via Zoom. They were initially in Chihuahua, helping in the assembly of Valle de la Madrid, the work in Ciudad Delicias and the Bible class in the El Porvenir neighbourhood. Then the Lord led them to Monterey, where they worked tirelessly on evangelization, house-to-house visits, and open-air preaching. Together with others, they saw an assembly established for the glory of the Lord. Finally, the Lord led them to Merida.
Anderson's departure has left an immense pain and emptiness in the heart of his family. Therefore, we must pray for Maria Eugenia, her son Timothy (11) and his daughter Ximena (6).
Autumn 2022
Written by Enris and Sylvia Nase - Albania