It was sixty years ago that I arrived in Chile. Things have changed a lot since then, but the Lord is the same, and He is forever faithful. It is such a privilege to be able, to some degree, to serve Him.
When I arrived, the assembly testimony was only in the central part of the country. Still, assemblies are from the northern city of Arica to the southernmost city of Punta Arenas. There are many places between those two points where there still is a need to reach out to the lost, but we thank the Lord for what He has done and is still doing. In quite a few of these places, some were saved. Here in Talca, we are working in other areas and serving the Lord there.
I have had the joy of reaching out to the children and girls in the Talca area, and over the years, the Lord has opened doors in different parts of the city and surrounding areas. More recently, due to long school hours and smaller families, as well as other attractions, there are not as many opportunities to have classes, but I am thankful for those we can have. We do not get the large crowds of years ago, but each child is important.
Near to where I live, there is a Home for younger girls, who for various reasons have had to be interned. Last year, there were two girls there. Some did not have classes, but now about a dozen and I have been going each Wednesday afternoon. Sometimes, things are going on, but some at least come along. It is such a challenge to reach out to them and tell them of the Savior. Some have little or no knowledge of the Bible and that the Lord Jesus loves them and wants to save them. They love to sing, "Jesus loves me." We pray for their salvation. Your prayers ring them to know Him as Savior. I used to go to some Homes for adolescent girls, but they have been closed. There is another one where I have had some classes and the possibility for more, but the girls are very difficult and often rebel against almost everything. Your prayers are of much value and appreciated.
On Friday afternoons, we have a class in San Clemente. A sister who lives there has me with the class. The children used to arrive on their own, but now, due to violence and other problems, we have to go for them and take them home. Numbers had gone down, so we started doing a craft after the Bible class, and it has attracted the children to attend.
Recently, I visited the city of Antofagasta. Lutzie, the widow of John Shaw, lives there. Despite her advanced age, she lives alone, and although he no longer goes out on her own, when she does go out, she is always giving out literature and talking to those with whom she comes in contact about the Saviour. It was good to see her again after several years. Also, I spent some time with a young sister saved here in Talca and helped me with classes here. She married a brother from Antofagasta, and they are very faithful in helping in the small assembly there. They have two little girls. In one conversation, I mentioned that since the Lord saved me, I have started my day with the Lord. The next morning, the six-year-old woke her mother, saying, "The sun is up! We must start the day with the Lord!" So they read the Bible and prayed together and continued to do so. Also, while I was there, I was able to meet in person some of those who had joined the Zoom classes we had during the pandemic.
With fewer classes now, I can do more visitation. Some older believers are not well and appreciate a visit or a phone call to encourage them. I am so thankful to the Lord that He continues to give me help and strength to be still able to serve Him in some way when so many others my age and younger are laid aside.
There are only a few of us from outside Chile serving the Lord here, but we are thankful for the Chilean believers who have been commended for the work here. There is a need to reach out to the lost. May the Lord raise workers for His glory.
Autumn 2023
Written by Ann Reid - Chile