We wish to begin with the passage from John 4:35, "Don't you say: There are still four months until the harvest comes? Behold, I say to you: lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest." We feel heartfelt gratitude to the Lord for exercising several brothers and sisters living in Florida to help in prayer and financially to set up the series of Zoom meetings to minister the Word and to preach the Gospel in Spanish. The first set of Meetings started at the end of March 2020. They have continued with some interruptions until the writing of this note in late October 2020.
Initially, Don Alirio Guerrero was willing to help. Later other full-time servants joined him in preaching. Then on September 26, the Lord was pleased to call his servant Don Alirio Guerrero to his presence. His departure was very heartfelt, and we miss our dearly beloved brother.
All the Zoom meetings were conducted under the auspices and fellowship of the assembly of Barrio el Carmen, Lara State, Venezuela. Over 21 full-time brethren from Venezuela, Mexico, and the USA participated in ministering to the saints or preached the Gospel. A question and answer period followed each meeting.
This service for the Lord has been much appreciated not only by Spanish-speaking believers in Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Columbia, Mexico, and Central American but also in other parts of the world, including the USA, Canada, and Cuba.
Attendance grew quickly. At the start, there were under 200 attendees at our first meeting. As Spanish-speaking believers (and their unsaved friends) spread the availability of these meetings around the world, we had up to 741 computer connections. At each computer, it is estimated that there were, on average, perhaps five people watching. For several weeks the conservative estimate is that we had over 1300 attendees at several meetings. Due to the audience's growing demand, the meetings were extended from one week to several weeks.
The Lord then guided us again to have another preaching series in August. A brother in the assembly in Renca, Chile, gave us valuable help to expand and reach with the Gospel through YouTube. We had planned on a series of three weeks. The Lord guided us to continue with two additional weeks.
The Lord saved souls during the series, and even afterward. In particular, one case was when my father (Omar Lozada Sr.) was asked to visit the home by a friend who had been spoken to by the Zoom's preaching. A friend who went to Sunday school with him years ago whose wife has been in fellowship for over 60 years. The follow up personal visit resulted in further rejoicing in heaven.
The Lord is opening up new ways to reach the unsaved. While exact numbers are not available, we know directly that at least fourteen souls professed faith in Christ. Others were exercised to be restored to the Lord.
Autumn 2020
Written by Omar Jr. Lozada - Venezuela