Receive warm greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Although we have not had the privilege of meeting many of you, we know that we are all members of the Lord's body, and it is an honour to communicate with you. May the Lord bless your local testimony for Him.
Last month we were engaged in most of our regular activities, including the Gospel work among Spanish-speaking people, Devotional messages and visitation in several nursing homes, and helping with Gospel and Bible teaching meetings among the assemblies in the Brisbane area. The work in Spanish has given us many opportunities to make new contacts, and we have been encouraged with some fruit for the Lord's glory. Another area of service has been a small English as a Second Language (ESL) class at Conference Hall. Several people from different countries have heard the Gospel there, and we have a couple from Hong Kong first contacted through this activity who now comes every Sunday to the meetings, both in the morning and the afternoon. Not saved yet, but their presence has been an encouragement to us. Hope to start this work again next month D.V.
I have been visiting Papua New Guinea for the last two years, to help with the Gospel work in the Hull Province, in the Highlands of the country. Some brethren had visited before but since 2013, we have been concentrating our efforts in one particular area where we have seen souls being saved. There are many "Christian" groups in that area, so we try to teach the new believers the importance of gathering only unto the Name of the Lord. Last year I went twice with other brethren, in March and November, and we are praying for the need of helping them to build a suitable hall for their meetings, and also for the establishment of a local assembly.
Our family is doing well, and we keep praying for our children. Willians Edward (almost 12) and Michael (10) professed to be saved while Timothy (7) has not made any decision for the Lord yet. Our little girl, Eunice Michelle, is 16 months now and gives us so much joy. Our recent trip to South America (Colombia, Venezuela and Panama) was a real blessing, and although we were very busy we enjoyed spending time with family and friends, and now our children are more fluent in Spanish. Thank you again for your prayerful support and trust that 2016 will be a year of much blessings.
Spring 2016
Written by Willians & Kylie Alcala - AUSTRALIA