Helping exercised youth reach their potential
I will be forever indebted to a variety of godly mentors that the Lord used to inspire vision in my life. Most of the mentoring was not textbook classroom stuff. It was practical experience walking alongside, observing, listening, watching, and learning from veteran soul winners. Those experiences had a profound life changing effect on my life.
It is in this spirit that we have been constrained in the Lord's presence to provide similar opportunities for others. The youth are coveted in the world. In fact, it's stronger than that. They are blatantly targeted by worldly currents that range from corporate business to political ideology to religious extremism. Often youth is exploited and compromised.
We covet young folks for God and the gospel. We can't make missionaries, preachers, elders, or collaborators. God does that through His Spirit. We can only provide opportunities. Over the past 13 years, more than 15 young men have laboured here for extended stays. We praise God that several of them have been commended and are dedicating their lives to full-time service among Hispanic folks in several countries.
Kyle and Allison Wilson along with Brenda and I have extended an invitation to a dozen young men. We expect at least seven to join us in aggressive gospel outreach in Managua. The focus must be language study at a local university.

Team 2007-2008

Team 2009-2010

Team 2012-2013
As the team moves among the Assembly, there is cultural awareness and adaptation that is expected. Greater language and cultural learning are facilitated by immersing each of the young men in the different home setting with local believers for a few weeks. This initial stage roughly takes three to four months and gradually transitions into engaging folks with the gospel.
The systematic door to door visitation; Seed Sower and Calendar distribution; Gospel Tent Meetings; Youth and Children's outreaches are all venues to communicate Christ to the people. There is a natural transition that occurs from the initial language and cultural proficiency to effectiveness with the gospel. This opens the door for deeper friendships to be forged and discipline to occur with the new believers. What does this 'discipling' look like? How does it happen? What is to be communicated?
The priority is singular. It's for God's glory. God is glorified in the salvation of souls. He is glorified when folks publicly confess the Name of Christ in baptism. God is glorified when believers gather to remember Him, showing forth His death, celebrating His resurrection, and looking forward to his return. A year is a long time. It requires commitment, submission and sacrifice. It requires adaptability, accountability, and responsibility. It requires becoming a team-player, demonstrating humility, and praying fervently.
As the following young men prepare themselves physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually for the year-long commitment starting in September, we humbly urge you to pray for them, for us, and for the Managua harvest field.
Austin Joyce, Stark Road, Michigan
Carter McFarlane, Glen Ewen Saskatoon
James Joyce, Langstaff, Ontario
Jonny Marin, Newton, British Columbia
Austin Milne, Newton, British Columbia
Drew Hale, Clearview, Washington
Jordan Smith, Deep Cove, British Columbia
Spring 2016
Written by Mark & Brenda Bachert - NICARAGUA