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Moshi, Tanzania, East Africa

Ron & Maria Cunningham

Ron and Maria Cunningham We have been heartened to know that you have been faithful in praying for us and the work in Tanzania. The schools ministry has continued to be a wonderful experience to be engaged in. One Thursday in late October, I was invited to share in a special occasion in the main central hall of a local school. On this occasion, there must have been between 800-900 students present. I so much enjoyed sharing the word of God. There was a quiet reverence as the word of God was spoken. Saturday, of the same week, was the school graduation when the number of students was some 800 students and to my great surprise, I was invited to attend with special stress on "you be there." I was the only foreign person present and was given an opportunity to address the students. I was sitting almost overwhelmed with the whole occasion when one of the academic staff sat down beside me. A few minutes later he whispered into my ear, "I know you." I was very surprised with these words and quietly I asked, "how is that?" He whispered, "14 years ago I was one of your students". I was taken aback. He said he had decided to follow the Lord all those years ago and was going on in his faith. The Lord has encouraged us much in this special ministry over the years. Thank you for your continued prayer for the work in the schools as we continue to seek to avail of every opportunity to bring the word of God into the schools around Moshi. In the past months, I have been able to sell Bibles to students at a much reduced price, enabling them to enjoy the word of God. We have sold 424 bibles and we stand back and give all praise to the Lord.

We had our yearly Conference at Moshi for Elders and Evangelists from the northern regions of Tanzania. They travelled from: Manyara, Singida, Mwanza, Kagera, Kahama, Kigoma, Rukwa, Kilimanjaro and Tabora, areas I have visited often to share the gospel. There are Assemblies in all of these places for which we would value your prayers.

Spiritual growth was evident at the conference as our Tanzanian brethren took an active part in the ministry, teaching, discussions, and gave reports of spiritual progress from a number of regions. Some travelled over 1,000 Kms. each way, and took several days to make the journey from these distant regions.

During the past few weeks we have been able to visit the assemblies at Kahe and Mawala. Both visits were encouraging to witness the continuance of these two assemblies who have not had visits from others. The assembly at Mawala was meeting under the shadow of a great tree as their assembly hall is not yet completed. It was well-worth the visit. There is a third assembly about to be established at Wareta in another location. We value your prayer for the continued development of the work here.

Maria continues to enjoy her work amongst the women. This takes various forms. Some days she leads English language Bible studies, on other days Swahili language Bible studies. She is to have another check up on her pace maker. Thank you for your prayers for her.

Please pray for the safety of national workers here. Recently, brother Ombeni was phoned by two men and asked to meet them outside the Bethel Assembly. When they went inside the building they pointed a gun at him and threatened to kill him if he did not hand over money. Having robbed him, they fled on a motorbike. He was badly shaken and is still affected by the shock of having his life threatened. He needs our prayers.

This year, through the grace and mercy of the Lord, we have completed 50 years of missionary service. We praise and extol the Lord for His faithfulness, yet we are so conscious of the need for new workers. Please pray that younger couples would come to this wonderful country to serve the Lord.

Spring 2015

Written by Ron and Maria Cunningham - Tanzania, EAST AFRICA


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