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Paul & Barb Thiessen

Paul & Barb Thiessen & Family

In July of 1995, we moved from Puerto Vallarta to a little village in Michoacan; Mexico called, La Rinconada. Earlier gospel efforts and teaching meetings lead to an assembly formed in August of that year with 17 local believers. After 12 years we saw that the assembly had matured, grown, and local leadership was caring for the flock. The Lord made is clear that it was time to move on.

Our family moved to Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico in September of 2007. At that time we had a rented hall, where we held a weekly Bible reading and prayer meeting, as well as a Sunday school work followed by a gospel meeting each Lord's day. In December of 2007 about 100 believers helped us deliver 120,000 gospel texts, followed by a series of gospel meetings. The work continued that way for some months, adding a ministry meeting on the Lord's day morning. In January of 2009, a group of 10 local believers met to break bread for the first time. We have seen several saved and baptized, as well as others added to the fellowship. In spite of weakness, difficulty and trouble, the testimony continues. This year we have had the joy of seeing two men saved and they express a desire to go on in their Christian lives. Three believers were added to the company at the beginning of the year.

In September of 2013, we began a consistent outreach work in the south of Guadalajara, working with Jonathan and Hannah Seed. After several series of gospel meetings and teaching meetings, we saw the work moving toward the formation of another local assembly. Some of these believers were already in fellowship in Zapopan, but the travel time made it difficult to be at all the meetings. Among the ones that were saved in the South, was a couple who had been attending for some time. While she had been reading the Bible for some time, the gospel was new to him. The change in their lives soon brought them to desire to be baptized. It was good to see them grow. Several young people were saved, which was a great encouragement to us as well. A new local church was formed in the south of Guadalajara on November 29, 2015.

The two small companies in the greater metropolitan area of Guadalajara keep us busy with eight meetings a week. As the occasions present themselves, we also travel to other assemblies in Mexico with the specific purpose of teaching the believers. Two of our children are married. Our son Joel and his wife, Amanda, live in Omaha, Nebraska. We are looking forward to their visit this July to help us with the annual children's meetings.

One year ago, Erika married Ricky Sawatzky, who was already serving the Lord in Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. Our youngest, Nicolas, is completing university studies in Mexico.

The work in Mexico is expanding as more workers come and different places are visited with the gospel. The enemy then increases his attacks and tries to destroy what is for God. May the Lord help us as we work and may He preserve us in this evil day.

Summer 2016

Written by Paul & Barb Thiessen - Mexico


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