Steven & Stephannie Anderson and family
We are approaching the end of the first week of a series of gospel and children's meetings here in Swakopmund. In Swakopmund, there are many different tribes and languages that you might encounter, such as Oshikwanyama, Otjiherero, Nama, and Oshindonga, to name a few. We have been able to print a verse on a backdrop of a picture of Namibia; we have done this in a variety of these languages with an explanation in english on the back.

These tracts are well received and find a spot on the wall of people's houses. We are currently working on getting the English explanation translated into other languages for those who would have a better understanding of other languages.

The shanty town, where most live, is packed with people in small houses crammed together. People are friendly and willing to converse about spiritual matters, but through the years, it is apparent that many have been lied to and deceived. Most would hold to a belief of salvation through good works, baptism, attending the church, tithing, following the teachings of men in places of prominence.
Grace and mercy are foreign concepts. Many live in fear of the pastor who will remove you from the congregation for not giving to the church. Being removed from the church is equated with a loss of salvation. This does hinder the gospel effort, for many are not willing to come to the meetings for fear that someone might tell their pastor. People put faith in their particular religious system or denomination, and although they may be willing to speak about the gospel one on one, they might not feel free to attend what might be seen as a "church service" outside of their religion.
We have seen a small number of people come and keep coming to the meetings daily. It reminds me of 1 Samuel 22, where "every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him:" v2a. Some that are coming have been removed from a gathering of some kind for failure to tithe. Every day, we have had several children and a few adults attend the meetings. The gospel has been faithfully presented by a small group of brethren that have joined us from various locations.
Our initial plan for this area was to have a two-week series of gospel meetings. On the first day, as we started setting up for a gospel meeting, we noticed that children began to gather. It was then agreed that a children's meeting would happen before the gospel meeting. It is most encouraging to see them day after day and learn Sunday school songs and bible verses. Please pray for the ongoing gospel and children's work.
Autumn 2023
Written by Steven & Stephannie Anderson - Nambia