A few months ago a young girl, who has attended a Sunday School in a private home has now asked for baptism. She seems to be the only one in the family who is saved although at the beginning she thought maybe her father was a Christian. She is a very sweet girl and just loves to be around the Christians in the assembly.
Two teen aged boys have been received into the assembly here in Ciudad Colon the last few months. Both these boys have grown up in the Sunday School with their mothers in assemblies. It was a joy to hear Edwardo get up and give out an appropriate hymn at the Breaking of Bread. The other boy, David, has many members of his family in the assembly here. We were thrilled to hear him get up and give out a hymn on a Lord's Day recently.
Also a couple of young men who have professed to be saved in an outreach work have asked for instruction on baptism.
Some family members of a man in the assembly have started coming out on Lord's Day Evening. They professed years ago, but live at a distance, and because of transportation have not been coming out. Now his sister has a car so we are happy to see them again more often.
A man, whose wife and some family members are in the assembly, is dying. He was in the assembly at one time, but we really do not know where he stands now. His life recently did not seem to prove he was a Christian. Things in the assembly seem to be getting a little brighter.
Pray for us and trust it will continue.
Doug still does not have too much eyesight and it does bother him, that he is not able to be as active as before. Kay just had her second cataract operation last week and the doctor says it turned out real well.
Spring 2015
Written by Douglas and Kathleen Reid - Costa Rica