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Cancun, MEXICO

Writer's picture: Timothy & Amy TurkingtonTimothy & Amy Turkington

Regarding the work here, we had a series of Gospel meetings that started back on the 25th of December and ended on the 12th of March. It started with a distribution of 60,000 John 3:16 texts along with invitations to the Gospel meetings that were all delivered in the areas close to the new hall. Also, 10,000 calendars were left in the homes closest to the hall.

Different believers from Mexico, Canada, and the US came to help us with the distribution. We had the privilege and joy of striving together in this Gospel series with different fellow workers. Timothy Stevenson, Jonathan Seed, Gilberto Torrens, John Nesbitt and Shad Kember were all here at separate times to help with the preaching, visiting and teaching.

Over 60 people attended at least twice to these Gospel meetings. New contacts were made, many visits were done, and we had the joy of seeing souls saved. The attendance was best on Sundays. Fourteen of them have shared with us the way they got saved; three couples, seven women, and one man. We are glad that God gave the increase and He will help with the care and growth of these new believers.

Since the end of the Gospel meetings, the attendance to the meetings has been most encouraging. The new believers are coming and bringing others as well. The last month has been busy visiting these new believers and helping them with their new life in Christ as well as teaching them the importance of daily reading, praying, attending the meetings and answering questions they have regarding family, marriage and work issues.

Usually, our largest meetings are on Sunday. We have been preaching at 10:00 am and at 7:30 pm. At 12:00 pm we have Sunday School. During the week, we have ministry meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 pm. Here is a brief update on some of the ones currently attending the meetings:

Jimmy and Miriam: Miriam is undergoing treatment for cancer. They will be moving away for two months to the city of Merida 3 hours away, for this treatment. She is 39, and he is 42. He has been attending faithfully, and both are enjoying their new life in Christ.

Jaime: He is 62. He has been living in Cancun because of violence in his hometown on the Pacific coast of Mexico. They left because they were targeted to be kidnapped and escaped leaving all their belongings behind. He has been in Cancun for three years. One day he returned home and on his front door was a John 3:16 Seed Sower text along with an invitation to the Gospel meetings. What called his attention on the invitation was: "We don't ask for money". He said to himself: is there a church that is not interested in your money? He started coming and got saved in the 10th week of the gospel series.

Arlene and Reyna: They got saved in this special Gospel series also, as a result of the Seed Sower distribution as well. Arlene got saved first and then her mother, Reyna. It has been a joy to see their progress. It's nice to hear from them about the peace that they are enjoying knowing that Christ paid for it all. Arlene's husband Jacinto has come out to some of the meetings. Reyna's husband Luis has not attended yet.

Erwin: He is 58 years old, and has been coming consistently to the meetings since he got saved back in February.

Victor and Rosalinda: They came because of the seed sower distribution as well. Victor got saved first then, Rosalinda. They have hardly missed a meeting since. They are enjoying the teaching and wanting to learn more about Christ. He is 34, and she is 37.

Laura: She can only come on Sundays because she lives quite far from the hall. She got saved on the last Sunday of the series. She had been told that God could not forgive her for the horrible things she had done in her past. She is enjoying the peace of knowing that Christ: "bare our sins in his own body on the tree," Her daughter Jaimy (20) and her son Angel (11) come with her every Sunday.

Yolanda: She is 64. For 18 years, she believed salvation was a process. She was doing her best to change her life and live like a Christian. She finally understood on the 8th week of the series that Christ had done it all. Admitted that she was a lost sinner and wasn't a child of God as she initially thought. She got saved at her house. She is faithful to each meeting. She has brought several out as well. Her husband Jose is not saved.

Erika: She was the first one to get saved in the series. She is 38. She thought that by saying the sinner's prayer in front of a congregation, she could get saved. She realized that she had not understood of the all-sufficiency of Christ's work and that she couldn't do anything to get saved. She struggled to understand that salvation was not by works. Her husband is not saved.

Irasema: She got saved in February as well. She had been coming for over three years but never understood that salvation depended on what Christ did on the Cross. She thought that Christ did half and that it was her responsibility to do the other half, now for the first time in her life she said she enjoyed genuine peace. Her daughter Paola got saved in the 11th week of the series.

Raul and Lulu: They started coming three weeks ago and say they are saved. They have not missed a meeting since. They are from the northern state of Coahuila, where they attended a church. They have been living in Cancun for three years and had not found a church that taught the sound doctrine. Even though there is no assembly established here yet, they seem happy with what they are listening to.

Rafael and Maribel: They are Raul's parents. They come f rom the same group of congregations from the north of the country. They also say they are saved. Rafael used to be an elder in their congregation. They seem pleased with finding out about us.

Summer 2017 Written by Timothy & Amy Turkington - Mexico


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