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Writer's picturePaul & Sue Williams

Assembly Work in Romania

During the year we have been conscious that "The Lord is my helper" (Hebrews 13:6) and daily we look up and say "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth" (Psalm 121:1). With the Lord's help changes have been made and challenges have been met after the Covid pandemic.

Gospel tent ministry

Taking the gospel into local communities using tents has entered the 16th year and has been particularly busy and challenging as the outreach work has been extended and expanded in the north of Romania. There have been new developments after months planning for tent outreach in rural and urban areas in N. & N.E. Romania. Bridge building into local communities takes time but it has been very encouraging to see large numbers of children enthusiastically engaged in the activities in the tent. Bible verses and choruses learnt have remained with them and were repeated to parents at home and at the special gospel meeting on the final day. As the school holidays are long parents expressed their appreciation for the time and effort put in to bring so much joy to their children, some living in more isolated communities. Whole assemblies have worked together in their local communities and people are getting to know the believers better.

As well as building bridges into local communities it has also been a rewarding and encouraging time for the enthusiastic groups of young people who have dedicated their time to the tent outreach. Working together with others has given them confidence as they have found a sphere of usefulness and made new friendships. Transporting, raising and taking down the tents can be challenging, especially if the traffic is held up on the busy roads and/ or there is heavy rainfall that accompanies the summer thunderstorms. Times of meetings had to be adjusted due to the extreme heat in July and August.

Although this summer has been extremely hot it has not discouraged people from coming to the tents in very good numbers. Tents have been used in 13 Counties (90 villages and towns) throughout Romania, in the town of Orhei in the Republic of Moldova and in three villages in the Ukraine. 17,500 children and over 9,000 young people and adults (believers and unbelievers) have attended these tent meetings with people being saved by God's grace. In some places good numbers of people listen on roadways or in their homes or gardens as the messages are relayed through the loudspeaker system! In 16 places between 100 and 250 children attended meetings. As we look back over the last 15 years we have much to thank the Lord of the Harvest for: the wonderful provision of 14 tents of different sizes (13 in Romania and one tent in use in the Republic of Moldova); large quantities of gospel literature distributed; dedicated tent workers; people saved, baptised and in local assembly fellowship. Truly, "to God be the glory great things He has done" and continues to do to His praise and for His eternal glory.

Literature STORAGE FACILITY - The construction of the literature storage facility near Suceava, northern Romania, was completed by the end of 2022 and has been a good help in the work. As with any new building there have been adjustments to make as the building dries out and the ground settles. Having kept up the momentum on the building and having moved a large part of the literature there, it was a major disappointment to find a pipe had burst under the foundation and completely flooded the floor space in February 2023. Thankfully most of the stored items were on shelving and weren't affected, but there was a loss of some gospel literature. There was a heavy snowfall in April but an extremely hot summer has greatly helped with the drying and airing of the building. God willing, we would like to see all the repair work completed before the winter. It is most beneficial having literature stored in a strategic location with easy access, as was experienced during this summer's gospel tent work.

ENGLISH TEACHING - Sue continues teaching English in our home and enjoys visits from former students and young people when they have time.

Literature work - PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION of literature takes place throughout the year. We continue to provide very large quantities of gospel tracts and booklets, A5 and A6 gospel texts (with a gospel message on the back) for Romanian evangelists and believers in local assemblies throughout Romania and beyond. We are currently working on three new gospel tracts and also preparing suitable gospel literature for distribution in towns and villages throughout the country in December with the 2024 calendars (130,000) and for Easter 2024. It is so encouraging to see these calendars in homes and public places, truly "the entrance of Thy words giveth light" (Psalm 119:130).

Bibles, New Testaments and Bible commentaries are supplied to people who request them. Sue continues the huge task of checking the translation of the Precious Seed books on the Old Testament. The Book of Psalms and the Major Prophets are awaiting translation. The book Everyday Evangelism (sharing the gospel in conversation) by Paul McCauley and David Williamson is currently being printed with an initial print run of 625 copies.

Consecutive Bible teaching - Bible teaching is long-term and our desire is that many believers will be strengthened and edified spiritually through the careful and systematic teaching of the Word of God. As the work of the gospel continues and the challenges to Christian living seem to increase daily, we not only thank God for those who are saved, but rejoice when we see believers "walking in the truth" and growing in their appreciation of spiritual truth and their love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Your prayers are greatly appreciated for this most important work of Bible teaching. Some highlights during the year:

The monthly Saturday Bible studies (16.00 to 19.00) in Craiova, S.W. Romania, continued alongside visits to assemblies in the area on Lord's day. There was very good interest in the teaching of the Word.

This year Paul has made two 6 day visits for systematic studies on the Old Testament in two Romanian speaking assemblies in Italy (5 nights with the large assembly in Villalba, Rome, and the weekend with the Spoleto assembly). It was a most encouraging time. Another visit is planned for the autumn. Spending a significant amount of time in the North has brought invites to speak in 20 assemblies in the city and County of Suceava. It has been encouraging to see large numbers of keen young people in the meetings.

Thank you for your prayerful and practical interest in the Lord's work in Romania..

Autumn 2023

Written by Paul and Sue Williams - Romania


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