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Angola Literature Work

Samuel & Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindelle

Samuel & Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindele


The pressure of space in Luanda remains a concern for the furtherance of the work in the capital. Prayer is requested for the day-to-day challenges faced by missionaries - in storage, transportation and movement of literature around the country. The continued high demand for study Bibles represents a particular financial burden on the Fund.


Joel and Kaleigh Griffin, from Canada, are currently studying Portuguese in Lisbon, with a view to going to Angola to serve the Lord. Sam & Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindele, having learnt Portuguese, are currently in Zambia waiting for the issue of visas, to cross into Angola to take up service for the Lord wherever He may lead them. Joel and Kaleigh Griffin, from Canada, commended from the Gospel Hall in Fredericton, New Brunswick in 2012. Their e-mail address is They are currently studying Portuguese in Lisbon, with a view to going to Angola to serve the Lord.


Praise the Lord for His bountiful provision, allowing the Fund to meet the varied literature and printing needs in Angola.

  • Continue to pray for guidance concerning the MegaVoice project.

  • Pray that, as customs regulations in Luanda become stricter, the Fund will be able to continue to send supplies for the work, via containers

  • Thank the Lord for the fellowship of Medical Missionary News which provides invaluable and unstinting assistance in the work.

  • Pray that the Bibles and other literature supplied by the Fund may be blessed of the Lord and further His work in Angola.


Paper, ink and printing consumables continue to be sent by container from Medical Missionary News for the two printing facilities in Luanda and Saurimo. Both of these serve the requirements of the missionaries, the Angolan assemblies and the Primary Schools supervised by Ruth Hadley. During 2012, seven-hundred Portuguese Study Bibles have been bought and distributed throughout Angola, where interest is shown, particularly by the younger generation who have an increased level of education. In addition, various study courses, Bible dictionaries and encyclopaedias have been supplied, to the same end. Books made available have included the William MacDonald works entitled, 'Be Holy,' 'Observe the Difference' and 'The Grace of God.' All literature continues to be sold (often at highly subsidized prices) at conferences and in remote places when visits are made into different regions. Ten-thousand Chokwe and Portuguese hymnbooks have been reprinted and are currently en route to Angola.

Ndonji in his wheelchair with Arthur Wema after enjoying lunch together.

The believers have appreciated the supply of 20,000 Scripture wall calendars which have been widely distributed. The Myrtlefield Trust has kindly donated 10,000 copies of Key Bible Concepts for all Angola but distribution of these awaits their arrival. The Fund continues to receive many requests from Saurimo and Luanda for literature supplies. As reported last year, the John Ritchie 'Focus On' booklets and the 'Family Series' have been translated into Portuguese; these have both arrived in Angola and are greatly appreciated, especially by young people.


The Trustees continue to be grateful for the skilful translation work of Terry Blackman, who is currently translating 'The Glories of our Lord' by H.C. Hewlett. The future distribution of this classic book is intended to stimulate appreciation by our Angolan brethren, of the attributes of our Lord Jesus Christ and thereby enrich the worship of individuals and assemblies.


Three new Wm. MacDonald titles have been ordered - 'Let Me Introduce You To The Bible' for young people wanting an outline of books of the Bible; 'There's a Way Back to God,' for evangelism; and 'My Heart, My Life, My All,' which we trust will encourage a new generation to give their lives in service for Christ.

The painstaking work of retyping printed books has been maintained and the Trust is pleased to hear from those who are willing to help in this. One project is the on-going Songo hymnbook.

Winter 2013

Written by Samuel & Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindele - Angola


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