We are a group of brethren gathering to the Lord's Name according to the pattern of New Testament Mat.18:20, Acts 2:41-42, I Cor.12-14; I Tim.2:1-15; Titus 2 over the past years, a few have been added to the assembly. It brings us great joy to see that they wish to practice what they had learned in the Scriptures.

Like many places in the world, we have been affected by COVID 19; here in Pinar del Rio, some believers have tested positive. Thankfully all have made a good recovery, and glad to say we are all safe. Last year for almost the entire year, we were in lockdown, from January to November. All our meetings were canceled. However, we were able to keep in contact with The believers by phone, and some visits in their homes, to study the Bible and pray. We missed the fellowship with other believers and, most of all, the opportunity to remember our blessed Lord in the Breaking of Bread meeting. However, we were still assured of the presence and fellowship with our God, who will always be with us, knowing that all is in His hands.
We trust that all of you who read this report are keeping well and that you will be preserved from the Covid 19, which is claiming so many lives across the world. Despite no assembly meetings for such a long time, we distributed gospel tracts on the streets.
The situation in Cuba is very difficult, with a lack of food, medicine, etc. Yet our God sent us relief through our brethren in Canada, USA, The Dominican Republic, and Panama.
Thankfully we have been able to gather again in the Gospel Hall since last November for all our meetings: Breaking of Bread every Lord's day, The weekly Bible study, and prayer meetings. Children's meetings II Tim.1:5, 3:15 -17 and Gospel meeting every Sunday evening.
We can lift our heads high for our Lord Jesus Christ will soon come, to take us Home to that place which He has gone to prepare for those who know Him. John 14:1-3; I Thess. 4:13-18; I Cor. 15: 50 - 58; I Thess. 1: 9-11; Rom. 5: 9; Rev. 3:10
In the meantime, we can rejoice in our salvation and find delight and great joy in sharing the Gospel Matt. 28:18-20, and practice sound doctrine I John 5: 3, Jude 1:3, until He comes. We trust in our God, who controls everything. He makes no mistakes. We hope and trust that the assembly meetings are allowed to continue for the present. Let us continue to pray for one another.
TRIBUTE to Mrs. Agnes Elizabeth Adams:January 26, 1921 - January 26, 2022Our sister was a missionary in Cuba together with her husband Mr. David Adams Mrs. Agnes Adams, is the last of former missionaries that came to Pinar del Rio, Cuba. She was commended in 1946 and is now at home with the Lord at 101 years.
Spring 2022
Written by Ivan Alexeis Madera Hernandez - CUBA