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Mark & Brenda Bachert

Nicaragua, South America

Mark & Brenda Bachert

The Friday night couple's night was not only fun, but also a real blessing. In December we finished a twelve-week session by taking all the families out for supper. The children had a host of fun, playing on the huge play structure and we all enjoyed delicious pizza and good fellowship. We are brothers in the Lord Jesus, but are we friends? We gather together in Church capacity, but do we really care for each other? Please pray that the couples associated with the assembly in El Valle will be spared from the competitive, contentious, cantankerous, nonsensical, childish bickering that often assails the local Church. First Corinthians 12 teaches, 'one body, many members.' Unity will be seen in the body only when we appreciate that God has made diversity within the body. A healthy grasp of this concept will assist us to see the value and necessity of each member in the body.

For three weeks in January, young folks in assembly fellowship from El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua were in Esteli for deeper Bible teaching. Two young ladies from El Valle were able to go, which was a blessing for them spiritually and socially. I was responsible, the first week, for teaching on 'Consecration.' I enjoyed examining the 'Life of Abraham' as one consecrated like those Old Testament priests, who were marked by the blood on their right ear lobe, right hand, and right toe. He had a consecrated ear to hear the voice of Jehovah, and obey. His consecrated foot walked in the will of his God - (the Egyptian Immigration Officials assisted him with this). His consecrated hand was willing to lift the knife in obedience to his God, even in the face of phenomenal personal cost. Was it not the Christ who emulated the precious truth of consecration in absolute perfection. Was it not Him who, coming into this world, could say; "Behold I come to do they will oh my God." Is it any wonder Jehovah declared and the Father affirmed, "Behold my Servant," and "Behold my beloved Son." Is God well pleased? Indeed He eternally is.

What the Lord will do in and through the twenty lives who participated in the discipleship, is unknown to man. I believe the simple statement that once burned in Moody's soul, is still true today. "The world has yet to see what God will do with a man fully consecrated to Him." aching Young People on a Friday Night Young people often draw young people! The believers have been inviting their school peers, family members, and work colleagues to the hall on Friday nights. About thirty are coming and we ask you to pray for their souls. Our aim is to build relationships, that they will attend the gospel meetings and one day come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.

Four times a year, the workers and elders of the assemblies who gather to the Lord's name, meet for a special meeting of reports, prayer requests, and future vision, in the Lord's will. These are often, times of refreshment from the Lord as we realize that we are but 'workers together with God.' We long to see souls rescued, minds renewed and bodies given in living sacrifice to the glory of God! Brethren, pray for us!


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