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N.E. India & Nepal

John Hay

Written by John Hay

A quarter of a century ago, the Lord called brother Raghu and his wife, Lydia, to leave Bombay to take the Gospel to Nepal and the northeast corner of India. They settled near the Nepal border, in the city of Siliguri, West Bengal. Pioneer work was engaged in and there are now some assemblies on both sides of the border, in that region. Recently I had the privilege of spending two weeks in the area.

On arrival, the first few days were spent in Siliguri. We had ministry at 7.45 each morning, before the people went to work, and then a short word in a school for which Raghu and his wife are responsible. In the evenings there were visits to outlying villages in tea plantations, where the Gospel was preached in yards. One of these was a place called Amjamni where a little assembly meets. The others were preaching points where brother Raymond, from a nearby assembly, gathered the people. Good numbers attended. A prestigious secondary school was visited on three occasions too. Lydia has a Bible teaching class for students at lunch time, twice a week.

We then went over into Nepal for three days. The first day was lost because of a general strike which blockaded the roads so it was just the Lord's Day that was spent with an assembly in a place called Dharan in a district of Nepal where a brother by the name of Vikram, labours. Vikram is married to a Japanese sister and received mention in a recent report in Horizons, from our brother Mr. J. B. Currie. The next day was an all-day conference in Aiyabari, a village assembly where there are around one-hundred in fellowship. We had four sessions and attendance and interest was good.

We returned to Siliguri for one day, before heading to the state of Sikkim for two days, with meetings in the capital, Gangtok. The city is on the lower slopes of the Himalayas and clings to the mountainside! We had three sessions of ministry on the Wednesday and Thursday and travelled back on the Friday. God has been at work there. Brother Charles Davidson, a business man from Northern Ireland, has visited a few times in the past eighteen months for Gospel meetings and quite a number have been saved. It was good to see the interest, with the hall well filled. Brother Jiwan, who labours there, is married to a Canadian sister, Rachel (Vance) of Ontario. Brother Gaius Goff hopes to spend January, giving help in the work there, including conference meetings. 21-25th of the month, which Charles Davidson may also attend.

The second weekend was spent back at Siliguri, with the main emphasis on the Gospel. The Hall is not used for regular Gospel meetings but the weekly preaching is on a Friday and is held in houses or yards, at the homes of nine different families connected to the assembly. They kept me working right to the end, taking me directly from a school to the airport!


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