Gospel tent at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver, BC

Autumn 2023
Written by Phil Broadhead - Canada

This was the 50th year for the Gospel tent at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver, BC, which runs the last two weeks of August through the Labour Day weekend.

Despite the current PNE policy not to allow further religious groups to be represented, the Lord has kept the door open for this assembly outreach during the 15-day fair. The booth won the award one year for the best entry at the PNE. Good relations have been established over the years with PNE management, which is a tribute to brethren who started this work, some now at home in heaven.

This good work is supported by the area assemblies, and many believers volunteer their time in different shifts to allow the booth to be open 12 hours a day. Many good conversations are held, and believers who drop by express appreciation for the gospel presence at the fair and for the good literature and texts that are available. Souls have been saved over the years through this work, one of them a brother shown in one of these pictures who has been a stalwart supporter for many years. This year, the theme was the story of Jonah. For the children, there was a large whale display that they could walk into where the story was displayed on the inside. A gospel tract was written to complement the theme. Please pray for this work. We must not take it for granted that this door of opportunity will remain open. Restrictions on our liberties can be expected in these last days before the Lord returns.

Autumn 2023
Written by Phil Broadhead - Canada